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直销教育培训是直销工作的一个重要组成部份,是直销事业发展成功的基础。在直销工作中,教育培训是贯穿直销事业始终的要素和工具。直销是以产品为媒,以推广一种新生活为营销理念的销售方式。是以商会友、以友促商,以建立一个营销网络组织、最终在利人利己利社会的情况下实现自我价值和良好效益回报的一份美好工作。直销在我国是一个新兴的行业,新文化、新知识、新政策比较多,因此,从事直销工作的每一个人都要有一个良好的学习心态,终身学习也是二十一世纪推崇的人生哲学,我们只有不断的努力学习,才能适应社会经济发展的需要,才能做好我们的直销工作。直销教育培训的内容很多,涉及的知识面也非常广,我们总结了直销教育培训的10个成功方案奉献给直销同仁,目的是希望能借此抛砖引玉,以迎接我国直销事业发展高潮的到来,也为从事直销工作的朋友们送上一份爱心的套餐。 Direct marketing education and training is an important part of direct marketing, direct marketing is the basis for the success of development. In the direct marketing work, education and training are the consistent elements and tools throughout the direct selling business. Direct marketing is the product as a medium, to promote a new life for the marketing concept of sales. It is a wonderful work of commercial association, friendly business, establishing a marketing network organization, and finally realizing self-worth and good returns in the interest of self-interest and self-interest. Direct selling in our country is a new industry, new culture, new knowledge, new policies are more, therefore, each person engaged in direct selling work must have a good learning attitude, lifelong learning is also respected philosophy of life in the 21st century, Only by constantly studying hard can we adapt ourselves to the needs of social and economic development so that we can do a good job of our direct sales. Direct education and training of a lot of content, the knowledge involved is also very wide, we summarize the direct marketing of the 10 successful programs devoted to direct marketing colleagues, the purpose is to start with this, to meet the climax of the development of China’s direct marketing business to come, but also For the work of direct marketing friends sent a loving package.
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