
来源 :巴音郭楞职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rilson
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中美贸易顺差自2005年突破1000亿美元大关后持续走高,从中美两国经济结构和贸易政策看,短期内中美贸易顺差持续扩大的局面还会继续。中美贸易顺差持续扩大对中美双边经贸关系产生了一系列负面影响,严重影响了中国对外贸易的发展和中国宏观经济侦测的制定。本文将中美贸易顺差指标与中国宏观经济发展的若干指标结合,通过计算说明中美贸易顺差的相对规模。 The Sino-U.S. Trade surplus has been rising steadily since breaking the 100 billion U.S. dollars mark in 2005. From the perspective of the economic structure and trade policies of China and the United States, the situation of the continuous expansion of trade surpluses between China and the United States will continue in the short term. The continuous expansion of the trade surplus between China and the United States has had a series of negative impacts on the bilateral economic and trade relations between China and the United States, seriously affecting the development of China’s foreign trade and the formulation of China’s macroeconomic detection. This article combines the indicators of trade surpluses between China and the United States with some indicators of China’s macroeconomic development and shows the relative scale of the trade surpluses between China and the United States.
1929年12月,红四军在福建上杭古田召开由毛泽东主持 的第九次党代表大会(即古田会议),是我党我军历史上的一 次非常重要的会议。会议通过的古田会议决议,是我党我军 建设的伟
本文共分为五个章节,首先在第一章中介绍微分方程与细胞神经网络的产生、发展、现状以及本文要解决的问题。   在过去的二十年间,巴拿赫空间中的常微分方程理论已经变得尤为
Emerging as a new communication paradigm, cooperative communication is attracting attention. Relay selection is the key technology for cooperative communication
本文主要考虑如下两类Hamilton系统(P1)和(P2):J(·u)(t)+▽H(t,u(t))=0 a.e t∈[0,T],(P1)其中J是标准的(2N×2N)-辛矩阵J=(ON IN-IN ON),H(t,x)∈C1(R×R2N,R),对每一个x∈R2N关于t