
来源 :眼外伤职业眼病杂志(附眼科手术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cpts
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谢××,男,32岁,住院号11607。于1991年6月22日从拖拉机上摔下,面部着地,地上有竹桩。当时左下睑皮肤裂伤,在当地医院缝合。48小时后因左眼突出、肿、痛收住我院。检查左眼视力0.2,眼睑高度肿胀,眼球突出,运动受阻。球结膜充血水肿,上方穹窿部可见3.0cm的贯穿伤口,有2枚长约0.3cm的小竹片 Xie × ×, male, 32 years old, hospital number 11607. On June 22, 1991, he fell from the tractor and landed on the ground with bamboo piles. Left lower eyelid skin laceration, sutured at a local hospital. 48 hours due to the left eye prominent, swollen, pain, admitted to our hospital. Check the visual acuity of the left eye 0.2, eyelid height swelling, prominent eyes, blocked movement. Bulbar conjunctiva hyperemia and edema, visible above the fornix 3.0cm through the wound, there are 2 pieces of about 0.3cm of small bamboo
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