
来源 :大众心理学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yalaso_wind
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今年我接了一个五年级毕业班,这个班学生的行为、学习习惯之差,我早有耳闻,“走马上任”之后发现还果真如此。上课开小差,作业拖拉,字迹潦草,布置的作文、日记更是应付了事。好在我作了充分的思想准备,一开学就制定了一系列的奖惩制度,并严格按照制度执行,效果还不错。 This year I received a fifth grade graduating class, the behavior of this class of students, the difference between study habits, I already heard, “Take office” and found that it is true. Small classes to open classes, homework dragged, illegible writing, layout of the composition, diary is something to deal with. Fortunately, I made a full preparation for my mind and made a series of rewards and punishments as soon as I finished school, which was implemented strictly in accordance with the system and the effect was not bad.
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本文介绍了深层搅拌水泥土桩围护在基坑支护中的应用,通过工程实例介绍了施工中的技术要点。 In this paper, the application of deep mixing cement soil pile support in
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电子白板是一种新型教育技术手段,利用电子白板,能够集中学生的注意力,增强他们对数学的兴趣和爱好,可以帮助讲解教学重难点,提高小学中高年级数学的课堂教学效率。 Electro
在我的小相册里,有一张引人发笑的照片。照片上一个五六岁的小女孩儿,正撅着嘴巴对着手指头呼呼地吹气,眼角还挂着几颗泪珠呢。那就是幼时的我。 In my little album, there
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