A compensation approach to the tool used in autoclave based on FEA

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:revoke
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Optimization of the curing process can not control the deformation of composite part prepared in autoclave accurately.And traditional “trial-and-error” tool surface compensation approach is low efficiency,high cost and can not control part deformation quantificationally.In order to address these issues,tool compensation approach based on FEA is presented.Model of multi-field coupling relationship in autoclave is realized.And finite element analysis model of composite part’s curing process is developed to analyze part deformation.According to displacement of the part surface nodes after deformation,tool surface which compensated by the displacement of composite part which analyzed by FEA is used to control part deformation.A cylindrical composite part is analyzed to verify the approach,and the result proves the correctness and validity of the approach. Optimization of the curing process can not control the deformation of composite part prepared in autoclave accurately. Current traditional “trial-and-error” tool surface compensation approach is low efficiency, high cost and can not control part of deformation quantificationally. In order to address these issues, tool compensation approach based on FEA is presented. Model of multi-field coupling relationship in autoclave is realized. And finite element analysis model of composite part’s curing process is developed to analyze part deformation. According to displacement of the part surface nodes after deformation, tool surface which compensated by the displacement of composite part which analyzed by FEA is used to control part deformation. A cylindrical composite part is analyzed to verify the approach, and the result proves the correctness and validity of the approach.
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[关键词]历史逻辑,认知逻辑,有机统一  [中图分类号]G63[文献标识码]B[文章编号]0457-6241(2016)03-0015-06  口头语中,人们喜欢把事物中的因果关系称为逻辑。历史教学的基本任务是教会学生学习历史,这里存在两个逻辑:从教学方法和学习主体看,必须遵循学生的认知逻辑;从教学内容和学习客体看,必须理解历史的发展逻辑。方法与内容、主体与客体从来都是统一的。那就必须将两个逻辑统
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