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近年来,随着国际间交流的不断深入,英语学习的重要性愈加凸显,国家也比较重视英语教育。小学阶段是英语学习的初始阶段,其英语教学的质量将直接影响学生以后的英语学习水平。因此,必须要重视小学阶段的英语教学工作。而语音教学又是小学英语教学的重点内容之一。但就目前的情况来看,在小学英语语音教学的过程中还存在很多的问题,影响了英语语音教学的效果,从而使得学生出现了英语发音不标准的问题。因此,本文将结合小学英语语音教学的 In recent years, with the continuous deepening of international exchanges, the importance of English learning has become more and more prominent, and the state has placed more emphasis on English education. Primary stage is the initial stage of English learning, the quality of its English teaching will directly affect the level of students’ English learning. Therefore, we must attach importance to the elementary school English teaching. The pronunciation of teaching is one of the key content of primary English teaching. However, according to the current situation, there are still many problems in the process of English phonetics teaching in primary schools, which affects the effect of English phonetic teaching, which leads to students’ problems of substandard pronunciation of English. Therefore, this article will be combined with primary English phonetic teaching
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