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走进河北省青县崇仙工艺品公司,只见货架上摆满了琳琅满目的小草帽,仓库里堆满了黄澄澄、金灿灿的小麦辫,一箱箱的草篮正被装箱运往天津港。可别小瞧这些草编制品,正是它们让崇仙工艺品公司成为全县的“创汇大户”。不起眼的小麦秸在公司董事长尚福会眼中成了致富的宝贝。 Into the Chongxian Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. in Qingxian County, Hebei Province, I saw a large array of straw hats on the shelves. The warehouse was full of yellow and bright wheat stalks. A box of straw baskets was being shipped to Tianjin Port. Do not underestimate these straw products. It is they that make Chongxian Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. become a large foreign exchange earner in the county. The inconspicuous wheat stalk became a treasure for the rich in the eyes of the chairman of the company, Shang Fuhui.
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Mary and Jake were a couple of lovers. They were taking a walk by the lake.Mary: Do you love me?Jake: Of course. I love you more than my life.Mary: (pointing t
[争当翻译家]竞赛题 I.下面是“日本国大学入学考试英语科考试题”,第2问B从①~④四个选项中为每段对话的空白处选择一个最恰当的句子(保留原试题序号)。 19.A:Brian Ford is
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SAT(Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda)havas.90 membrojn en Japanio kaj.30 membrojneninio.En la Unua Azia Kongreso enanhajo,ni havis nian propran kunsidon,al kiualesti
这是刊登在意大利青年世界语协会(Itala Esperantista Junularo)机关刊上的一篇文章,其中列举的一些事实,我们似曾相识。的确,在各种世界语活动中,我们曾有过书到用时方恨少
I.单项填空1.He looks so tired and sleepy;he__ up last night.A.would have stayed B.couldn’t have stayedC.could have stayed D.must have stayed2.Please open the