
来源 :今日四川 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skynet0079
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Tian Mansha is a famous Sichuan opera actress, and also the winner of the 9th “Plum Blossom” Award, the highest award in the opera circle of China. In recent years, Tian Mansha has been enjoying a dailyincreasing name for the record she set that led China’s opera circle. In 1993, she started a small opera theatre in the four-starred Chengdu Hotel, paving a new way for the opera performance into the topgrade hotels. In 1995, she bought the right for the premiere of a drama directly from the dramatist in a personal capacity, which evoked a nationwide repercussion. Sichuan opera “Ripples in the Stagnant Water”, rehearsed based on the drama she bought and in which she played the leading lady was a great success at the 5th China Art Festival, winning 6 Wenhua awards from the Ministry of Culture, and being invited to make a performance tour to Beijing, Shanghai and other places of the country. Tian Mansha has done a lot for rejuvenating Sichuan opera, and hence has been on many occasions awarded and listed twice among the “Top 10 Actors/Actresses in Sichuan” Tian Mansha is a famous Sichuan opera actress, and also the winner of the 9th “Plum Blossom” Award, the highest award in the opera circle of China. In recent years, Tian Mansha has been enjoying a daily in-creasing name for the record she set that In 1993, she started a small opera theater in the four-starred Chengdu Hotel, paving a new way for the opera performance into the topgrade hotels. In 1995, she bought the right for the premiere of a drama directly from the dramatist in a personal capacity, which evoked a nationwide repercussion. Sichuan opera “Ripples in the Stagnant Water”, rehearsed based on the drama she bought and in which she played the leading lady was a great success at the 5th China Art Festival, winning 6 Wenhua awards from the Ministry of Culture, and being invited to make a performance tour to Beijing, Shanghai and other places in the country. Tian Mansha has done a lot for rejuvenating Sichuan opera, and therefore has been on many occ asions awarded and listed twice among the “Top 10 Actors / Actresses in Sichuan”
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