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作文训练要关注材料作文。【材料】萤火虫是肉食小甲虫,它的食物就是蜗牛。蜗牛一旦有什么危险,就把头缩进硬壳里,很多天敌拿它无可奈何。小巧、柔弱和笨拙的萤火虫如何对付它呢?萤火虫的头顶有一对颚,那东西细得像头发,很尖利。萤火虫捉蜗牛时,先用颚在蜗牛身体上轻轻敲打,而蜗牛根本不把弱小的萤火虫放在眼里,甚至觉得被敲打几下如同按摩一样还很舒服。萤火虫的敲打,是向它注射一种毒液。蜗牛在毫无警觉中被麻痹,直到失去知觉。当蜗牛被毒倒后,萤火虫再注射另一种液体,使蜗牛的肉变成流质,然后用管状的嘴喝下肚去。 Composition training should pay attention to material composition. [Material] Firefly is a meat-feeding beetle and its food is a snail. Once there is any danger to the snail, the head is retracted into a hard shell, and many natural enemies can’t help it. How does a small, fragile, and clumsy firefly deal with it? The firefly has a pair of crickets on its head. It looks like a hair and is sharp. When a firefly catches a snail, he first taps on the body of the snail with a hammer, and the snail does not put the weak firefly in his eyes at all, and even feels as comfortable as a few massages. Fireflies beat it by injecting a venom into it. Snails are paralyzed without alertness until they lose consciousness. When the snail is poisoned, the firefly injects another fluid, making the meat of the snail fluid, and then drinking it with a tubular mouth.
西大门小学万丹同学参加数学奥林匹克赛,获得金奖。这一天学校为她召开庆功会,来了很多人,有领导、 Xidanmen Wanban students participate in Math Olympiad, won the gol
1 阳台上,小亢和他表哥小松一边搭积木,一边在争论谁的妈妈聪明,互不相让。为了阻止他们再争论下去,我走过去插嘴道:“那么你俩谁聪明呢?”小松不响。小亢愣了足足有半分钟,
针对商住楼的建筑特点,从商住楼的定性、安全疏散、消防设施设置等方面对商住楼的消防设计进行了谈讨。 In view of the commercial and residential building characterist
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