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美国马里兰州巴尔的摩病毒学研究所所长罗伯特·伽尔洛日前表示,研究人员计划今后两年内就新研制出的一种口服艾滋病疫苗在巴尔的摩和乌干达进行试验。该疫苗利用被弱化的Salmonella typhi细菌作载体,将HIV的DNA送入人体,使得人体免疫系统对艾滋病病毒具有免疫能力。作为载体的、被弱化的病毒本身在人体中不会导致疾病。疫苗进入人体后,病毒细胞的细胞壁破裂,将HIV的DNA释放出来。人体中的受体细 Robert Gallo, director of the Baltimore Institute of Virology in Maryland, said recently that researchers plan to test a newly developed oral AIDS vaccine in Baltimore and Uganda in the next two years. The vaccine uses attenuated Salmonella typhi bacteria as a carrier, the DNA of HIV into the human body, making the human immune system is immune to HIV. As a carrier, the weakened virus itself does not cause disease in the human body. After the vaccine enters the body, the cell walls of the virus break down and release HIV DNA. Receptors in the human body fine
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Objective and Methods: Excessive accumulation of collagen typeⅠ and type Ⅲ causes the formation of keloids and hypertrophic scars. To understand the mechanism
目的 为解决长期监测鸡听觉功能时通常使用的圆窗膜电极移位的问题 ,提高测试结果的稳定性 ,建立了一种新的电极埋植方法即“圆窗埋植电极”(roundwindowim plantedelectrod
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一种新发现基因的DNA序列中存在一种单一改变 ,其可能是家族性英国痴呆的原因 ,该病以脑内淀粉样沉积为特征 ,是一种少见的遗传性痴呆 ,并且被认为与老年性痴呆 (Alzheimer′disease)关系密切。
血府逐瘀汤为清代王清任所著《医林改错》上卷中一首方剂。由桃仁、红花、当归、生地黄、枳壳、桔梗、柴胡、赤芍、川芎、甘草、牛膝 11味药物所组成。其所论治症目 ,竟达 19