MBE growth of high absorption mid-IR type-II InAs/GaSb superlattices

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericxinstar
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Two kinds of short-period type II superlattices(SLs)InAs(6 monolayers(MLs))/GaSb(3 MLs)and InAs(8 MLs)/GaSb(8 MLs)which can serve for mid-infrared(MIR)detection have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy(MBE)on p-type GaSb(100)substrates.The cutoff wavelength for the two superlattices(SLs)was found to be around 4.8 lm at 300 K.The high resolution X-ray diffraction(HRXRD)measurements indicated that the InAs(8 MLs)/GaSb(8 MLs)SLs have better crystalline quality than that of the InAs(6 MLs)/GaSb(3 MLs)SLs.However,compared with infrared absorption in the 2.5–4.3 lm range,the optical absorption of InAs(6 MLs)/GaSb(3MLs)SLs was more excellent.This can be attributed to increase probability of the electron and hole wave function overlap in the thinner period thickness. Two kinds of short-period type II superlattices (SLs) InAs (6 monolayers (MLs)) / GaSb (3MLs) and InAs (8MLs) / GaSb (8MLs) which can serve for mid-infrared was grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on p-type GaSb (100) substrates. The cutoff wavelength for the two superlattices (SLs) was found to be around 4.8 lm at 300 K. The high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) measurements indicated that the InAs (8MLs) / GaSb (8MLs) SLs have better crystalline quality than that of the InAs (6MLs) / GaSb (3MLs) SLs.However, compared with infrared absorption in the 2.5-4.3 lm range , the optical absorption of InAs (6 MLs) / GaSb (3MLs) SLs was more excellent. This can be attributed to increase probability of the electron and hole wave function overlap in the thinner period thickness.
1 临床资料患者女,33岁,汉族,孕5产3。末次月经1999年6月4日,于7月14日的下午4时突然出现阵发性下腹部疼痛,伴有恶心、头晕、全身乏力,急诊入院。查体:体温36.6℃,脉搏为84
据文献报道女性育龄期急性阑尾炎诊断正确率仅为35% [1] 。其中妇科急腹症 :输卵管妊娠破裂、卵巢黄体破裂、卵巢囊肿及囊肿蒂扭转、化脓性盆腔炎为常见误诊为阑尾炎的妇科疾
例 1,陈某 ,19岁 ,未婚。因停经 6 6天于 1998年3月 6月来我院行人工流产术。术前检查 :子宫前位 ,增大如 9周孕大 ,尿HCG阳性。当即行吸宫术。术前15分钟注阿托品 0 .5mg。子宫前
我院1998年1月~1998年12月,行胎头吸引术助产滑脱率较高。为了确保母婴安全,减少并发症,笔者对胎头吸引术作回顾性分析,现报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:1998年在本科阴
异位妊娠是指孕卵在子宫腔以外着床发育者 ,它是妇科常见的急腹症之一 ,以往一经确诊 ,立即给手术治疗或中西医结合治疗 ,我院在 1992年 5月至 1995年 6月间采用氨甲喋呤 ( m
The antibiotic (-)-anisomycin was synthesized starting from D-tyrosine using Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation as a key reaction followed by formation and hydrol
患者女 ,2 5岁 ,农民 ,孕1产1,4 0孕W+2 ,于1998年 12月 3日入我院住院分娩。产妇于 16小时前开始有阵发性腹部坠痛 ,宫缩 30″/5- 6′。体查 :T36.5℃ ,P86次 /分 ,R16次 /分 ,BP1
我院于 1 994年 1月~ 1 997年 1 2月共分娩 440 8例 ,其中产后出血 1 58例 ,占 3 53%。现分析如下。1 临床资料本组 1 58例产后出血原因 :宫缩乏力 1 35例 ,胎盘因素包括胎盘
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