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利用塑料大棚进行白皮松营养袋容器育苗,具有出苗早,出苗整齐,成苗率高的特点。由于白皮松小苗出土阶段在棚内度过,可免遭鸟兽危害。五月份进入高温季节时,白皮松小苗已长出真叶,苗木基部已经木质化,具备了抗病、抗的能力。因此,与普通春播育苗比较,能明显地提高单位面积产量和苗木质量。一、建棚与营养土的配制 1、每年的三月上旬选择适宜的地块建好大棚。大棚宽8米、长15米,两端开门,顶部设有天窗以利通风。棚内要具备一定的控温设施。 2、采用表层土壤和腐熟有机肥、细沙,按1:1:3的比例混合均匀,用0.3%-0.5%高锰酸钾水溶液 The use of plastic shed white pine nutrition bag container seedling, with early emergence, emergence and tidy, high rate of seedling characteristics. Due to the stage of excavated white pine seedlings spent in the shed, from the dangers of birds and animals. May enter the hot season, white pine seedlings have grown real leaves, seedling base has been lignified, with the ability of disease resistance and resistance. Therefore, compared with ordinary spring sowing seedlings, can significantly improve yield per unit area and seedling quality. First, the establishment of shed and the preparation of nutrition soil 1, early March each year choose the appropriate land to build a greenhouse. Greenhouses 8 meters wide, 15 meters long, open at both ends, the top with skylight for ventilation. Shed to have a certain temperature control facilities. 2, using the surface soil and decomposed organic fertilizer, fine sand, according to the ratio of 1: 1: 3 mixed evenly with 0.3% -0.5% aqueous potassium permanganate
泥火山是在泥岩(一种沉积岩,成分比较复杂,层理不明显,由细颗粒的沉积物形成,常含有机物质,是一种生油的岩系)地区 Mud volcanoes are in the mudstone (a sedimentary rock
主要介绍了对各种非典型CMOS结构的研究 ,从而寻求最终的结构模式适应不断变化的CMOS发展技术 . Mainly introduces the research of various atypical CMOS structures, so
A simulation method for the thermal analysis of InAlAs/InGaAs/InP mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) based on finite-element method (FEM) is presented.
1.DS理论框架 动态句法学(Dynamic Sybtax,DS)是以英国语言学家Kempson为带头人进行的一项研究课题成果,其建立是以<动态句法学>(Kempsoh,et al. 2001)的出版为标志.下面介绍该成果的主要内容.
今年3月5日是我国知名史学家王伯祥先生百年诞辰,本刊特发表这组文章以志纪念。类书为考索之梯梁,古今学人每资甄引,且不讳所出,以示有征。而考古样佚之士,尤有尚于此。 Mar