
来源 :环境科学与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jian_mei
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研究了PAC/UF工艺在多化学清洗周期下对UF膜不可逆污染的控制规律及机理。经过30 d的连续运行,PAC/UF工艺的单个化学清洗周期历时比单独膜过滤平均延长了58.6%,化学清洗频次降低了37.5%。PAC/UF工艺中,化学清洗后膜面不可逆污染物残留量明显少于单独膜过滤工艺。这些都证明PAC/UF工艺对于减缓膜不可逆污染具有较好的效果。膜阻力构成分析表明,与单独膜过滤相比,PAC/UF工艺中不可逆阻力降低了30.7%,可逆阻力没有明显差别,膜总阻力降低12.5%,说明PAC/UF工艺减缓膜污染是通过控制膜的不可逆污染来实现的。进一步研究发现,PAC/UF工艺中滤饼层对减缓膜污染没有明显贡献,PAC对有机物的吸附,特别是对蛋白质、富里酸和腐殖酸类典型膜不可逆污染物的去除,是减缓膜不可逆污染的主要原因。 The control law and mechanism of irreversible pollution of UF membrane in PAC / UF process under multi-chemical cleaning cycle were studied. After 30 days of continuous operation, the single chemical cleaning cycles of the PAC / UF process averaged 58.6% longer than the single membrane filtration and the chemical cleaning frequency decreased by 37.5%. PAC / UF process, after chemical cleaning film surface irreversible pollutant residues were significantly less than the single membrane filtration process. All these prove that PAC / UF process has good effect on retarding irreversible membrane pollution. The results of membrane resistance analysis showed that the irreversible resistance of PAC / UF process was reduced by 30.7% and the reversible resistance was no significant difference compared with that of single membrane filtration. The total membrane resistance decreased by 12.5%, indicating that the PAC / UF process can reduce membrane fouling by controlling membrane Irreversible pollution to achieve. Further studies showed that the cake layer in PAC / UF process did not make any significant contribution to mitigation of membrane fouling. The adsorption of organic compounds by PAC, especially the removal of irreversible pollutants from typical membranes of protein, fulvic acid and humic acid, The main reason for pollution.
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