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随着中国经济发展迈入国际先进行列,成为第二大经济体,但司法体制质量还未达到现代先进行列中。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席、中央全面深化改革领导小组组长习近平强调,要高度重视改革方案的制定和落实工作,做实做细调查研究征求意见,评估把关等关键环节,严把改革方案质量关,严把改革督察关,确保改革改有所进、改有所成。研究、思考、确定全面深化司法制度改革的思路和重大举措,应当全面深入的调查确定,做些有益探索和分析,为司法体制改革和诉讼正义等若干问题探索接地气,攒底气,对一些司法改革方案进行考核验收,查哨查岗,确保落实。同时,也应体现“公平、正义、民主、自由”的社会主义特色的法制核心价值。 With China’s economic development entering the international advanced ranks and becoming the second largest economy, the quality of the judicial system has not yet reached the advanced stage in the modern economy. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Military Commission and chairman of the Central Military Commission, and head of the leading group for comprehensively deepening the reform of the Central Government, stressed the importance of attaching importance to the formulation and implementation of the reform plan, making detailed investigations and research solicit opinions, The quality of the reform program, strict inspection inspector reform, to ensure that the reform has been made to change what has been achieved. To study, think and determine the ideas and major measures for deepening the reform of the judicial system in an all-round way, we should investigate and confirm in an all-round and thorough way, do some useful explorations and analyzes, explore the grounding for a number of issues, such as judicial system reform and procedural justice, and save our confidence. Reform programs for examination and acceptance, check sentinel check, to ensure the implementation. At the same time, we should also embody the core value of the legal system of “socialist justice with fairness, justice, democracy and freedom.”
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<正> 一、方法的转换与互补原理的启示以往的认识论研究大都采用一种纯粹历时性描述的方法,注重的是认识递嬗的线件过程。例如,把认识当成一个不可分割的、没有共时态结构的单纯物,然后考察其发生、发展以及向实践的转化。这种方法仅仅注意到认识的时间展开,忽视了认识在时间中实现的空间建构,因而无法在时空坐标中达到对认识的立体把握。
<正> 由中国认识论研究会、武汉大学现代认识论研究中心、厦门大学哲学系、《哲学研究》编辑部等十个单位联合发起的“现代认识论研讨会”,于1988年12月20日至25日在厦门市召开。来自全国各地的认识论研究和自然科学研究的专家、学者会集一堂,回顾和总结了1978年以来我国认识论研究所走过的道路和取得的成就,分析和透视了十年来认识论研究尚存在的问题。并且在此基础上,着重探索了我国认识论研究的未来走向。