An Inference Microprocessor Design

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SuperXF
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This paper is concerned with the design of an inference microprocessor for production rule systems.Its implementation is based on both exact and inexact (fuzzy logic) reasoning,so it can he used forbuilding various production rule systems.The methods of translating linguistically expressed rules into nu-merical representations are described and the hardware implementations are discussed.Finally,a parallelarchitecture for the inference microprocessor is presented. This paper is concerned with the design of an inference microprocessor for production rule systems. It’s based on both exact and inexact (fuzzy logic) reasoning, so it can he used for building various production rule systems. The methods of translating linguistically expressed rules into nu-merical representations are described and the hardware implementations are .Finally, a parallelarchitecture for the inference microprocessor is presented.
A method, called Two-Dimensional Extended Attribute Grammars (2-DEAGs). for the recognition ofhand-printed Chinese characters is presented. This method uses di
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