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刘盛亚1915年2月出生于四川重庆,父亲刘伯量早年留学英、德等国。回国后,曾先后在南京、北平、成都等地一些大学任教授。他幼年时期随父母在各地就学,从小受知识分子家庭的熏陶,和爱好文学的母亲的影响,受到良好的教育。他的少年时代是在北方度过的。盛亚青少年时期就酷爱文学,也喜爱戏剧,且富于正义感,对被压迫和被剥削者深表同情。他的处女作《白的笑》就是上中学时写的。那是一篇以旧社会艺人的悲惨生活为题材写成的中篇小说,1935年发表在郑振铎和靳以主编的《文学季刊》上。从此,他与进步文艺界开始有了接触,并得到巴金等文学前辈的鼓励和帮助,结交了不少文艺界的朋友。而他真正走上文坛则是他德国留学回国后的事。 1935年5月赴德国留学,就读于德国 Liu Shengya was born in February 1915 in Chongqing, Sichuan Province, his father Liu Bo amount early study in Britain, Germany and other countries. After returning home, he worked successively as a professor at some universities in Nanjing, Peiping, Chengdu and other places. He was educated in his early years with his parents in various places and from an early age influenced by intellectual families and the influence of literature-loving mothers. His youth was spent in the north. Sheng Ya adolescents love literature, love drama, but also full of sense of justice, deep sympathy for oppressed and exploited. His debut “White Laughter” is written in high school. It was a novella of the same age as the subject of the tragic life of an old social artist. It was published in the Literary Quarterly in 1935 by Zheng Zhenduo and Jin Yi. From then on, he began to make contact with progressive literature and art circles, and was encouraged and helped by such literary predecessors as Ba Jin and made friends with many literary and art circles. And he really embarked on literary world is what he returned to Germany after studying abroad. May 1935 to study in Germany, studying in Germany
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