
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:g8y99
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Background: Aortic reconstruction in infants and small children has been reported with Dacron or polytef prosthetic material, hypogastric artery autograft, and saphenous vein autograft. In children, synthetic grafts are limited by a concern for late infection and a lack of potential growth. Available autogenous vessels have a limited length and diameter. Conventional allografts have not been durable. When the entire infrarenal aorta and aortoiliac bifurcation must be replaced, none of the historic options are optimal. Methods: We report 2 cases of infrarenal aorta and aortoiliac bifurcation reconstruction using a new generation of cryopreserved allograft now decellularized for decreased immunogenicity. The branched pulmonary artery allograft is particularly attractive for reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation. Results: The postoperative course in both cases was uncomplicated. Follow-up with serial abdominal duplex ultrasound has shown no evidence of graft stenosis or calcification at 29 and 32 months, respectively. Conclusions: The use of commercially available, decellularized, and antigenreduced allograft offers a nonsynthetic option for replacement of the pediatric abdominal aorta. We chose this novel approach in hopes of reducing the lifetime risk for graft infection and maintaining the potential for graft ingrowth by the child. Background: Aortic reconstruction in infants and small children has been reported with Dacron or polytef prosthetic material, hypogastric artery autograft, and saphenous vein autograft. In children, synthetic grafts are limited by a concern for late infection and a lack of potential growth. Available autogenous Vessels have a limited length and diameter. Conventional allografts have not been durable. When the entire infrarenal aorta and aortoiliac bifurcation must be replaced, none of the historic options are optimal. Methods: We report 2 cases of infrarenal aorta and aortoiliac bifurcation reconstruction using a new generation of cryopreserved allograft now decellularized for decreased immunogenicity. The branched pulmonary artery allograft is particularly attractive for reconstruction of the aortic bifurcation. Results: The postoperative course in both cases was uncomplicated. Follow-up with serial abdominal duplex ultrasound has shown no evidence of graft stenosis or calcification a t 29 and 32 months, respectively. Conclusions: The use of commercially available, decellularized, and antigenreduced allograft offers a nonsynthetic option for replacement of the pediatric abdominal aorta. We chose this novel approach in hopes of reducing the lifetime risk for graft infection and maintaining the potential for graft ingrowth by the child.
进入2000年 ,从冯小刚导演的《没完没了》 ,到美国的《精灵鼠小弟》 ;从主题曲早已风靡全国的《人猿泰山》 ,到众所周知的《西游记》续集 ;从《财神传奇》 ,到《财星高照》 ,外加
韩国学者周采赫于 1 995年 8月 2日在蒙古国乌兰巴托召开的“蒙韩千年纪年学术会议”上发表《兴安岭地区的室韦和貊》一文 ,提出了“蒙Gooli”、“貊Gooli”都与豁里人有深刻