Cholangiocarcinoma and malignant bile duct obstruction: A review of last decades advances in therape

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijing202740
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In the last decades many advances have been achieved in endoscopy, in the diagnosis and therapy of cholangiocarcinoma, however blood test, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography scan may fail to detect neoplastic disease at early stage, thus the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma is achieved usually at unresectable stage. In the last decades the role of endoscopy has moved from a diagnostic role to an invaluable therapeutic tool for patients affected by malignant bile duct obstruction. One of the major issues for cholangiocarcinoma is bile ducts occlusion, leading to jaundice, cholangitis and hepatic failure. Currently, endoscopy has a key role in the work up of cholangiocarcinoma, both in patients amenable to surgical intervention as well as in those unfit for surgery or not amenable to immediate surgical curative resection owing to locally advanced or advanced disease, with palliative intention. Endoscopy allows successful biliary drainage and stenting in more than 90% of patients with malignant bile duct obstruction, and allows rapid reduction of jaundice decreasing the risk of biliary sepsis. When biliary drainage and stenting cannot be achieved with endoscopy alone, endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage represents an effective alternative method affording successful biliary drainage in more than 80% of cases. The purpose of this review is to focus on the currently available endoscopic management options in patients with cholangiocarcinoma. In the last decades many advances have been achieved in endoscopy, in the diagnosis and therapy of cholangiocarcinoma, however blood test, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography scan may fail to detect neoplastic disease at early stage, thus the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma is achieved usually at One of the major issues for cholangiocarcinoma is bile ducts occlusion, leading to jaundice, cholangitis and hepatic failure. Currently, endoscopy has a key role in the work up of cholangiocarcinoma, both in patients amenable to surgical intervention as well as in those unfit for surgery or not amenable to immediate surgical curative resection due to locally advanced or advanced disease, with palliative intention . Endoscopy allows successful biliary drainage and stenting in more than 90% of patie nd with malignant bile duct obstruction, and allowing rapid reduction of jaundice decreasing the risk of biliary sepsis. 80% of cases. The purpose of this review is to focus on the currently available endoscopic management options in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
【分类号】G641  家庭和学校是教育孩子的两个重要阵地,学校领导、任课教师,学生家长及同学等都是直接参与转化学生工作的相关人员,从而形成一种“包围”的教育环境。组织家长参与学校活动、管理,从了解学校办学理念到认同;从了解孩子陌生的另一个生活侧面,理解孩子成长中的差异,到积极配合学校教育缩小差距、扬长避短;生活的忙碌、微信、网游等信息技术充斥的现代社会中,陪孩子的时间越来越少,孩子出现问题,家长的
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