,Ab initio study on magnetoelectric and electronic properties in Pb2TiVO6

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bushishuai
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First principles calculations within the projected augmented-wave (PAW) method, using the local spin density approximation plus U (LSDA+U) scheme, show that the tetragonal Pb2TiVO6 is a potential multiferroic material with antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin configuration. It has a magnetic moment of 1 μB in a one unit cell originating from the non-bonding orbital dxy in a majority spin channel and a band gap of 1.45 eV with proper U. The large BEC (Bo effective charge) of Pb and Ti shows that the stereochemical activity of Pb and Ti may provide the possibility of switchable paths for the ferroelectricity in this hypothetical material. The insulating property and the lower resistivity in the recent prepared PbVO3 can be significantly improved by adopting the Ti.
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扬辐籼2号系用300Gyγ射线辐照 IR_(1529)-68-3-2的突变体选育而成。具有高产、稳产、多抗、优质等特性,一般产量8250kg/hm~2,高产田块可达9000—9750kg/hm~2,比当地推广良种