
来源 :深圳中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luohuaxiyushi
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目的:探讨Cook球囊联合催产素引产用于足月妊娠的有效性及安全性。方法:本研究应用对照研究方法,选取2014年3月-2015年2月在本院住院分娩并应用Cook球囊联合催产素引产的93例孕妇作为观察对象,放置球囊12 h后联合催产素引产,球囊放置宫颈延长至16 h,选择同期直接使用催产素静滴引产的93例孕妇作为对照。比较两组产妇用药后宫颈成熟度改善的有效性及引产效果,观察其不良反应。结果:球囊组产妇促宫颈条件成熟有效率高于对照组产妇,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。球囊组产妇引产成功率明显高于对照组产妇,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组产妇均未出现子宫过度刺激和强直收缩。球囊组及对照组各有1例出现宫内感染,但不能明确Cook球囊所致的宫内感染。结论:Cook球囊联合催产素引产效果优于单纯使用催产素,而不增加引产中的不良反应,临床上可考虑使用Cook球囊联合催产素以提高引产的成功率。 Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of Cook balloon combined with oxytocin induction for term pregnancy. Methods: In this study, 93 pregnant women who were hospitalized and delivered with Cook balloon and oxytocin induction during March 2014 to February 2015 were selected as the observation object. After placing the balloon for 12 hours, the oxytocin Induction, balloon placement of the cervix extended to 16 h, select the same period directly with oxytocin intravenous infusion of 93 pregnant women as a control. The effectiveness of improving the maturity of the cervix and the induction of labor were compared between the two groups after maternal medication to observe the adverse reactions. Results: In the balloon group, the condition of promoting the cervical ripening was higher than that of the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). The success rate of abortion in the balloon group was significantly higher than that of the control group, with significant difference (P <0.05). Two groups of mothers did not appear over-stimulation of the uterus and tetanic contraction. One case of intrauterine infection was found in the balloon group and the control group, but the intrauterine infection due to Cook balloon was not clear. Conclusions: The combination of Cook balloon and oxytocin is better than oxytocin alone, but does not increase the adverse effects of induction. Clinically, Cook balloon plus oxytocin can be considered to improve the success rate of induction of labor.
一、前言 LY12系可热处理强化的铝合金(σ-b=41.5公斤/毫米~2),在其点焊核心中产生裂纹是一种常见的缺陷。通常焊后用X光透视或金相分析方法检验。这种方法生产率低、成本高
一、前言 18Ni马氏体时效钢是由国际镍公司研制的一种新型超高强度钢,此种合金是利用马氏体相变加时效的方法强化的。820℃ 1h空冷固溶处理再经480℃ 3h空冷时效处理后,钢具
摩擦焊的规范控制石油钻杆管体材料为40Mn,工具头材料为35CrMo,焊接断面外径141毫米,内径100毫米。石油钻杆摩擦焊接的特点是: ①钻杆的焊接断面大,当摩擦线速度和摩擦压力
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有个民间故事说:“彭祖活到八百多岁时,他父亲赶集回来,因为没给他买响鼓玩具而跟父亲撒娇……还在地上打滚,闹得父亲不得不好言相劝,直到答应下次一定买来为止。” 彭祖,《