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通过测定不同光照条件下(15%透光、30%透光、60%透光、全光)东北次生林主要树种(红松、红皮云杉、胡桃楸、水曲柳和黄波罗)的比叶面积,探讨了不同树种对光照变化的响应与适应。结果表明:不同树种比叶面积存在明显的差异,尤其是常绿针叶树种与落叶树种之间差异显著(P<0.001),指示不同功能型树种存在不同的生存策略;随着光照强度降低,所有树种比叶面积呈现增加的趋势,尤其是弱光照(15%)和低光照(30%)相对于全光和中光照(60%)差异显著(P<0.05);不同树种比叶面积随光照强度的变化幅度明显不同,且变化最显著的光照区域也有所不同;不同年龄红松比叶面积的变化趋势一致,但变幅不同,4年生幼苗对光照响应则更为明显。本研究结果表明,所有树种均能通过改变叶形态来适应光照条件的变化,在低光条件下通过增加单位质量叶面积,提高叶片光捕获能力;但各树种对光照强度变化的不同响应则表明树种之间不同的光适应机制,这对森林生态系统内部树种的共生具有重要意义;年龄较小的幼苗对光照的强响应指示其在植物更新过程中叶片水平上生理生态学机理研究中的重要性。 Through the determination of the main tree species (Korean pine, Picea koraiensis, Juglans manshurica, Fraxinus mandshurica and Huangporo) in the northeast secondary forest under different light conditions (15% light transmission, 30% light transmission, 60% Specific leaf area, discussed the response of different tree species to light changes and adaptation. The results showed that there were significant differences in leaf area among different tree species, especially between evergreen coniferous species and deciduous tree species (P <0.001), which indicated that different functional tree species had different survival strategies. With the decrease of light intensity, all The specific leaf area of ​​different species showed an increasing tendency, especially the difference between low light (15%) and low light (30%) relative to total light and medium light (60%) The change range of intensity was obviously different, and the most significant change of the illumination area was also different. The change trend of leaf area of ​​Korean pine at different ages was the same, but the response of 4-year-old seedlings to light was more obvious. The results of this study showed that all tree species can adapt to changes of light conditions by changing leaf morphology, and increase light-harvesting ability of leaves by increasing leaf area per unit mass under low light conditions. However, different responses of tree species to light intensity changes indicate that The mechanism of light adaptation between tree species is important for the symbiosis of tree species within the forest ecosystem. The strong response to light of younger seedlings indicates the importance of their physiological and biophysical mechanisms at the leaf level during plant regeneration Sex.
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茲制定‘雲南省修築公路動員民工暫行辦法’,特令公佈施行! 此令。第一章总则第一条为巩固国防迎接国家大规模经济建设,根据中央与西南指示及 We hereby formulate the Int
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有幸在《开放时代》刊出的这两篇文章,是我试图与西方社会理论的一位另类理论家卢曼(Niklas Luhmann)对话的产物。最初引起我兴趣的并非是纯粹的理论,而是中国近代历史中的经
本季是生產工作最緊張的季節,除滿栽滿种基本結束外,主要是抵抗各種災害,結合秋收与圍繞其他工作進行,茲分别綜合於後: 一、生產工作我縣田地畝積共有二二七、七七六畝,其中
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