Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics ends successfully

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  Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics ends successfully
  In 2020, when opportunities and challenges coexist, intertextile is striving to build a communication platform to meet the business needs of enterprises. Intertextile Shenzhen will help textile companies connect with the market and face buyers directly.
  Many pavilions also brought powerful companies and exhibits to Intertextile Shenzhen. The National Textile Product Development Base Enterprise Pavilion gathers many base companies, representing leading companies in various fields such as cotton, linen, wool, silk, and new material products, and demonstrates the innovative achievements of China’s textile industry with fabrics; Shaoxing Yuecheng District Pavilion brought nearly 80 companies to the show, demonstrating the positive attitude of Shaoxing as a famous textile city to the world; the Shengze exhibition group, with more than 100 enterprises and more than 1,600 square meters of exhibition booths, shows the new style of “China Silk City”.
  Under the pandemic situation, companies are most concerned about orders. Business negotiations can be seen everywhere on the exhibition site, demonstrating the infinite vitality of the textile fabric market.
  Facing the brand-new international industrial layout, retail methods and consumer demand, fabrics and accessories companies need to understand more cutting-edge information and market trends. During the exhibition, activities such as the Super Buyer Forum, the release of fashion trends, and the seminar on sustainable development provided guidance for the fabrics and accessories companies.
  Intertextile Shenzhen moves forward with textile companies to help consumption pick up, reshape business confidence, and boost industry development.

  Yarnexpo Shenzhen brings a bright future
  On July 15, the first China International Trade Fair for Fibers and Yarns (Shenzhen)(hereinafter referred to as “yarnexpo Shenzhen”) was grandly opened in Hall 10 of Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (Baoan New Hall). This year’s yarnexpo is divided into creative fancy yarn area, luxury cashmere yarn area, quality wool yarn area, green linen yarn area, popular cotton spinning area and functional chemical fiber area, and industry elite exhibitors have all appeared.
  As the first yarnexpo to be launched in the Greater Bay Area, Duan Xiaoping, vice president of the China National Textile and Apparel Council, stated that “Different from the yarnexpo Shanghai, the exhibitors are all specialized and innovative enterprises. Under the pandemic situation, enterprises make some distinctive products, the difference is reflected in three aspects: the first is to use different fibers to make different yarns and different fabrics; the second is to change the fiber from a single component to a multi-component, paying more attention to benefits; the third is that the products are more high-quality and multi-functional. Specialty and innovation represent the measures to deal with the pandemic, and also represent the future development direction of the industry. The popularity of the yarnexpo Shenzhen has exceeded expectations, which is a good beginning. It represents a certain degree of recovery in the market. As long as we work together, we will be able to tide over the difficulties. The important thing is to do well in the industry and the enterprises. “   2020 PH Value - China International Knitting Fair
  On July 17, 2020, the first three-day China International Knitting Fair (“PH Value Shenzhen”) ended successfully in Hall 10 of Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center! Leading upstream and downstream enterprises and scientific research institutes in the knitting industry bring new technologies, new products, and new applications to show the industry the most advantageous materials, technologies, designs and services, and provide innovative advice for industry breakthroughs and changes.
  At this Fair, “China famous underwear town” - Siulam, Zhongshan, Guangdong, held a group exhibition with high-quality enterprises such as Proea, Indena, etc., showing the strength of Siulam’s underwear town in production, design and research and development. In addition, the display of local enterprises such as Dalang Xiangtou Knitting Street, Dongguan Ouliz, Guangdong H.T Technology, CTBU, Zhongshan Huimian and other local companies also made us full of confidence and expectation for the variety, technology leading and fashion design of the Great Bay Area knitted underwear products, as well as the huge market of knitting underwear industry in the Great Bay Area!
  As a professional exhibition in the knitting industry, PH Value has been committed to providing companies with a platform for all-round display, business matching, and information exchange. It is also constantly using platform advantages to integrate multiple resources to provide exhibitors and professional visitors new thinking and new direction for future development! The first Greater Bay Area China Knitting Fair in 2020 came to a successful conclusion, and the road to the knitting industry is endless! Let us meet again in Shanghai in September!
  CHIC stunning the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area
  On July 15, the 2020 China International Textile and Apparel Fair (Shenzhen) opened in the Greater Bay Area for the first time. With new locations and new opportunities, we believe that more brands will shine in post-pandemic. CHIC 2020 includes Urban View, New Look, Heritage, Fashion Customization, Kids, Impulses Showroom, Fashion Brands, Fashion Journey, ODM Superior Factory, Secret Stars, Bags & Shoes, Future Link, and Denim World 13 exhibition areas.
  On the first day of the Fair, Sun Ruizhe, president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, Chen Dapeng, vice president of China National Textile and Apparel Council, president of China National Garment Association, Yang Jinchun, executive vice president of China National Garment Association, and Zhou Yiqi, vice president of China National Garment Association, and other leaders visited CHIC 2020, and learned more about the exhibitors’ operations this year and their future development plans.
  Looking at the global market, despite short-term fluctuations, the development of Chinese apparel has ushered in a “historical opportunity period.” CHIC 2020 will gather the strength of the industry to explore future possibilities.
7月《来自虞美人之坡》在日本的各大影院上映了。继去年上映的《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》,这次吉卜力工作室的新作也同样是以培养年轻导演为主而制作的作品。导演是六年前曾指导《地海战记》的宫崎吾郎。  对于现在的吉卜力工作室来说,新老交替、培养新人无疑成为了重中之重。《来自虞美人之坡》(以下简称《虞美人》)给吉卜力工作室的未来带来了一个十分明确的答案,吉卜力未来的创作道路将不会平坦,甚至吉卜力工作室极有可能
听说北京的冬天很冷,而这个冬天则因为弥漫全城的大雾显得更加寒冷。但对于住在北京的动漫迷而言,这个冬天是温暖的,让人羡慕的——因为除了中国另一个文化中心上海,他们都可以在电影院里欣赏到来自日本的剧场动画。可惜,由于电影票配额有限,不少没抽中的人为了能弄到一张票想尽办法:换票、现场等退票、高价买黄牛票……这不是值不值得的问题,而是一份忧虑:“也许我这辈子都不会再有机会能在电影院看到这些动画了。”  2
关于Flash和Html5之争,已经进行了有很长一段时间,随着Adobe推出的专门针对HTML5的编辑器Edge之后,这种争论也告一段落。诚然,HTML5有轻量和节能的优点,但Flash作为一个已经在业内存在多年的经典格式,实力毋庸置疑。一度被认为是矢量动画代表的Flash,如今正在走向全新的层面:3D。  “这是用户的需求,催生了Flash的3D游戏,”Adobe大中华区董事总经理黄耀辉在接受记
2011年岁末,一向竞争激烈的网络視频行业再度传出新消息,百度旗下的爱奇艺分别与中央电視台新科动漫频道、北京卡酷卫視、中国传媒大学等机构签署了多项独家战略合作协议,宣布共同推进在内容联动宣传、多平台互动营销、动漫互动活动推广等系列合作。  土豆网则与日本东京电視台签订协议,将在中国内地对东京电視台的60多部日本动画片进行同步播放,即在日本播出一个小时后,土豆网便可以播放带中文字幕的原声节目。同时土
想必在你拿到这本杂志之前,你已经读到很多对李仁港先生的文章了。他的《鸿门宴》已经在票房上告捷,但是和他过去的两部古装戏《见龙卸甲》和《锦衣卫》一样,依然充满争议。不过,无论是赞扬他的人,还是批评他的人,都佩服他的美术功力。他的电影画面所传达出来的质感和精致的程度在华语影坛是绝无仅有的。  我们非常难得有机会和这位导演面对面地谈了整整3个小时。准确地说,我们采访的是身为美术总监的李仁港,不是身为导演
非常有趣。Autodesk从来没有这样有趣过。过去我们说到Aut。desk,给我们的印象是,啊哈,软件公司,做标准工程制图,3D建模,娱乐工业设计这些领域的,吞并了不少竞争对手,是一家行业内规模巨大的公司——但是在2011年这家公司突然变得前所未有地有趣了,它的一些做法,已经不再是传统的出售技术方案的软件公司了,它变得前所未有地有活力。  所谓创新,就是对过往的突破。对软件公司来说,突破不仅仅是在
我们在香港遇见参加了Siggraph。香港本身就像一个图形界的奇迹,拥挤但是尽然有序,干净,1904年开始运营的列车和最先进的布加迪威龙在视野里同时出现;无处不在英文、日文和繁体中文让人觉得熟悉又陌生。作为一个东西方文化长期交汇的特殊地段,在香港举办这样的活动其实是再合适不过了。  这是世界图形大会首次在中国地区举办,来自全世界超过7000位成员在香港汇集,几乎所有和图形技术相关的主要厂商都来到了
Focus on baby diaper market trends  Although the penetration of the baby diaper market in developed regions such as the United States and Western Europe is very high, and growth is stagnant, we expect