Focus on baby diaper market trends

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  Focus on baby diaper market trends
  Although the penetration of the baby diaper market in developed regions such as the United States and Western Europe is very high, and growth is stagnant, we expect that developing regions, especially Asia and Africa, will provide strong sales growth opportunities for baby diaper manufacturers.
  According to Euromonitor data, the global baby diaper market is valued at USD 43.38 billion in 2019, and is expected to have moderate growth in the next five years, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5%, and is expected to reach USD 51.53 billion by 2024.
  Svetlana Uduslivaia, head of Euromonitor’s North American home and technology department, said that the fastest growing regional markets are mainly concentrated in Asia and Africa. By 2024, the compound annual growth rates of the two most populous countries in the world(China and India) will be 7.4% and 14.8%, respectively. Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam are expected to be the fastest growing baby diaper markets in Southeast Asia, with compound annual growth rates of 11.8%, 5.9% and 8.4% during this period. In Africa, Kenya and Nigeria are expected to achieve the fastest growth in the next five years, with compound annual growth rates of 2.9% and 13.3%, respectively.
  Asia’s influence in the baby diaper market cannot be underestimated. In the past decade, trends such as soft, breathable materials and ultra-high-end market segments have begun to appear globally. Another growing market segment originating in Asia is pant diapers. There is no doubt that parents now promote some of the latest trends in baby diapers, including the transparency of the brand’s ingredients. The product should not only list the ingredients contained, but also list the ingredients to avoid, because consumers regard the latter as unnecessary chemical substances, or may be toxic substances, so natural materials are closely related to safety.
  Donghua University develops new fabrics to help withstand high temperatures while waterproofing
  Researchers at Donghua University have developed a new type of fabric that can cool the wearer. This material is made of several different polymers in a relatively simple way, which can effectively transfer heat and absorb sweat, while still being waterproof on the outside. The material is mainly composed of three parts: polyurethane constituting the basic structure, waterproof fluorinated polyurethane and thermally conductive boron nitride nanosheets. The three are combined and run through an electrospinning instrument to form a nano-fiber membrane. This may not be the smartest cooling material, but the team says it is relatively easy to produce. In addition to clothes used to help the wearer cool down, the team said that this new material can also be used to cool electronic products and improve equipment that collects solar energy or desalinates seawater. The research was published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.   Tongzhou Bay to rise more than 100 billion yuan textile new materials industrial base
  To build an advanced manufacturing base of Tongzhou Bay textile new material industry, with a total economic output value of more than 100 billion yuan. This is the information released at the 2020 Nantong International High-end Textile Industry Expo held on July 3.
  The total area of the modern textile industrial park in the Tongzhou Bay Demonstration Zone is 9.3 square kilometers. The goal is to build three bases: the national high-end fabric industry innovation base, the Asia-Pacific high-quality home textile manufacturing base and the global industrial textile new material innovation base.
  Yangkou Port Fiber New Material Park has a total planning area of 9.4 square kilometers. The overall positioning is based on the chemical fiber industry, mainly developing elasticity, filament weaving, dyeing and printing extension industrial chains, and focusing on the development of a new fiber industry chain with filament weaving as the core. The goal is to build three bases: an advanced manufacturing base for the new fiber industry in the north of the Yangtze River Delta, a strong growth base for the new fiber industry in Nantong, and a new base for the transfer of high-quality production capacity in the national textile industry.
  Ordos City signs a strategic agreement with Pinduoduo to help export cashmere to domestic sales

  On June 30, Ordos Municipal government announced that it had reached strategic cooperation with Pinduoduo to jointly launch the “Pinduoduo E-Purchase, Quality Ordos” activity.
  There are 79 cashmere processing enterprises above designated size in the cashmere industry in Ordos, accounting for 55% of the cashmere processing enterprises above designated size in the autonomous region. The annual production of cashmere sweaters here has exceeded 6 million pieces, accounting for more than half of the national output. It is sold at home and abroad, and Ordos is indeed a “China Cashmere City”. Ordos will carry out comprehensive and in-depth strategic cooperation with Pinduoduo platform to help Ordos enterprises increase orders and stabilize production capacity, promote export-oriented enterprises to achieve coordinated development of domestic and international markets, and boost the domestic consumer market. At the signing ceremony, a number of Ordos representative companies showed their hopes for this cooperation. They are all eager to use the new e-commerce to fully connect the domestic market of 628 million users of Pinduoduo platform.   According to Jiuding, vice president of Pinduoduo Strategy, Pinduoduo will join Ordos’ cashmere superiority industry to promote the platform “new brand plan” pilot in Ordos, implement the regional excellent product series plan, further drive the expansion of the domestic market and increase market share. At the same time, the two sides will cooperate to help the cashmere industry cultivate a batch of new national brands, comprehensively enhance industrial competitiveness, and promote the high-quality development of in-
  Xinjiang textile and apparel exports realize growth
  According to Xinjiang Urumqi Customs statistics, from May last year to April this year, Xinjiang’s textile and apparel products exports have grown against the trend, with export trade amounting to 33.143 billion yuan, an increase of 10.82% year-on-year.
  It is understood that Urumqi Customs has implemented a “batch import, centralized declaration” model of textile equipment implemented in special supervision zones to help companies delay the payment of equipment taxes, revitalize the capital chain, reduce operating costs, and enhance the competitiveness of the international market. Urumqi Customs wrote the “Eurasian Economic Union Textile and Garment Market Access Research Report”, collected and translated the Eurasian Economic Union regulations, closely tracking the technical trade measures of neighboring countries, and serving textile and apparel companies.
  With the continuous deepening of the construction of the“Belt and Road”, Urumqi Customs continuously optimizes the full-process inspection and supervision services for textile and apparel companies, speeds up customs declaration processing, cargo inspection, follow-up disposal and other convenient customs clearance measures, and through “one window”, the inspection release time was shortended to less than 4 hours, which greatly shortened the customs clearance time for import and export goods.

数字艺术作为新兴艺术门类,从最初与传统艺术院校格格不入,到如今跻身于庙堂之上,这个历程很艰辛。而一个比较尴尬的现象是,长期以来教学人才匮乏,很多教师都属于半路出家,缺乏实践经验,教学与实践脱轨,将数字艺术的教学沦为纸上谈兵。  而要解决这个问题的唯一办法就是教师必须投入到行业之中,这样才能将真正对学生具有帮助的知识带到教学之中来。  所以,作为在西安美术学院任教的我来说,首先我是一位传道授业的教师
7月《来自虞美人之坡》在日本的各大影院上映了。继去年上映的《借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂》,这次吉卜力工作室的新作也同样是以培养年轻导演为主而制作的作品。导演是六年前曾指导《地海战记》的宫崎吾郎。  对于现在的吉卜力工作室来说,新老交替、培养新人无疑成为了重中之重。《来自虞美人之坡》(以下简称《虞美人》)给吉卜力工作室的未来带来了一个十分明确的答案,吉卜力未来的创作道路将不会平坦,甚至吉卜力工作室极有可能
听说北京的冬天很冷,而这个冬天则因为弥漫全城的大雾显得更加寒冷。但对于住在北京的动漫迷而言,这个冬天是温暖的,让人羡慕的——因为除了中国另一个文化中心上海,他们都可以在电影院里欣赏到来自日本的剧场动画。可惜,由于电影票配额有限,不少没抽中的人为了能弄到一张票想尽办法:换票、现场等退票、高价买黄牛票……这不是值不值得的问题,而是一份忧虑:“也许我这辈子都不会再有机会能在电影院看到这些动画了。”  2
关于Flash和Html5之争,已经进行了有很长一段时间,随着Adobe推出的专门针对HTML5的编辑器Edge之后,这种争论也告一段落。诚然,HTML5有轻量和节能的优点,但Flash作为一个已经在业内存在多年的经典格式,实力毋庸置疑。一度被认为是矢量动画代表的Flash,如今正在走向全新的层面:3D。  “这是用户的需求,催生了Flash的3D游戏,”Adobe大中华区董事总经理黄耀辉在接受记
2011年岁末,一向竞争激烈的网络視频行业再度传出新消息,百度旗下的爱奇艺分别与中央电視台新科动漫频道、北京卡酷卫視、中国传媒大学等机构签署了多项独家战略合作协议,宣布共同推进在内容联动宣传、多平台互动营销、动漫互动活动推广等系列合作。  土豆网则与日本东京电視台签订协议,将在中国内地对东京电視台的60多部日本动画片进行同步播放,即在日本播出一个小时后,土豆网便可以播放带中文字幕的原声节目。同时土
想必在你拿到这本杂志之前,你已经读到很多对李仁港先生的文章了。他的《鸿门宴》已经在票房上告捷,但是和他过去的两部古装戏《见龙卸甲》和《锦衣卫》一样,依然充满争议。不过,无论是赞扬他的人,还是批评他的人,都佩服他的美术功力。他的电影画面所传达出来的质感和精致的程度在华语影坛是绝无仅有的。  我们非常难得有机会和这位导演面对面地谈了整整3个小时。准确地说,我们采访的是身为美术总监的李仁港,不是身为导演
非常有趣。Autodesk从来没有这样有趣过。过去我们说到Aut。desk,给我们的印象是,啊哈,软件公司,做标准工程制图,3D建模,娱乐工业设计这些领域的,吞并了不少竞争对手,是一家行业内规模巨大的公司——但是在2011年这家公司突然变得前所未有地有趣了,它的一些做法,已经不再是传统的出售技术方案的软件公司了,它变得前所未有地有活力。  所谓创新,就是对过往的突破。对软件公司来说,突破不仅仅是在
我们在香港遇见参加了Siggraph。香港本身就像一个图形界的奇迹,拥挤但是尽然有序,干净,1904年开始运营的列车和最先进的布加迪威龙在视野里同时出现;无处不在英文、日文和繁体中文让人觉得熟悉又陌生。作为一个东西方文化长期交汇的特殊地段,在香港举办这样的活动其实是再合适不过了。  这是世界图形大会首次在中国地区举办,来自全世界超过7000位成员在香港汇集,几乎所有和图形技术相关的主要厂商都来到了