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通过对80例妊娠的孕妇和分娩后产妇血清C-反应性蛋白(CRP)变化观察及正常妇女20例做对照组CRP含量做比较,结果发现妊娠期孕妇25例CRP含量在151~254μg/ml之间,正常分娩产妇30例其中18例自然分娩CRP含量321~374μg/ml,12例侧切产分娩CRP含量426~682μg/ml。另有25例剖宫产分娩CRP含量715~210μg/ml,而对照组20例CRP含量均在125μg/ml以下,结果表明妊娠妇女尤其是分娩后,手术产后CRP含量明显高于对照组正常妇女,两者间有显著差异(P<001),从中可见CRP不仅在炎症时含量增高,而与妊娠,分娩、手术时机体变化全身性反应相一致,故CRP含量的高低也可做为临床辅助诊断指标之一,除应用于炎性疾病诊断、疗效观察外,还可了解是否有产程延长、胎膜早破等早期潜在感染,有利于降低围产期孕产妇和婴幼儿疾病的发病率。 By comparing 80 cases of pregnant women with postpartum maternal serum C-reactive protein (CRP) changes and CRP levels of 20 normal women to do the control group, we found that CRP levels in 25 pregnant women during pregnancy were 15-1-25  4μg / ml, the normal delivery of maternal 30 cases of which 18 cases of natural childbirth CRP content 32  1 ~ 37  4μg / ml, 12 cases of lateral delivery CRP content 426 ~ 68  2μg / ml. Another 25 cases of cesarean delivery CRP content of 71  5 ~ 210μg / ml, while the control group of 20 patients with CRP levels were 12  5μg / ml or less, the results show that pregnant women, especially after childbirth, the postoperative postoperative CRP levels were significantly higher The control group of normal women, there was a significant difference between the two (P <0  01), showing that CRP not only increased the content of inflammation, but with pregnancy, childbirth, surgical changes during the body is consistent with systemic reactions, so the level of CRP Can also be used as a clinical diagnostic index, in addition to the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases, the efficacy of observation, but also to understand whether there is prolonged labor, premature rupture of membranes and other early potential infection, help to reduce perinatal maternal and infant Incidence of infant illness.
随着无排卵型月经紊乱及不孕症治疗的深入和试管婴儿(invitrofertilizationandembryotrans-fer,IVF-ET)的临床实践,卵巢过度刺激综合征(ovarianhyperstimulationsyndrome,OHSS)的... With anovulatory menstrual disorders and infertility treatment in-depth and i
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患者女性,68岁.因绝经十年,近两月阴道不规则流血而行B超检查,B超检查所见:子宫8.5×5.5×4.3cm.于子宫体近宫底部见3.8 ×3.6cm大小的园形低回声闭块,边界欠清晰,无明显包膜