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进口设备的备件供应是保证设备检修顺利进行和正常运转的首要条件.但是在引进装置时,备品配件又要占用大量的流动资金.所以综合考虑各种因素,既要确保维修工作不因等待备件而造成停工停产,又要保持费用最小的最佳库存量,是备品配件管理工作的一个难点.中原化肥厂年产合成氨30万吨,尿素52万吨,在用的机、电、仪设备来自德国、意大利、日本、美国、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士等国.投产初期,为保证装置的正常运行,不得不用大量的资金超额储备一些零部件.随着时间的推移,解决进口备件的合理储备,已成为提高工厂经济效益的一个重要问题.几年来,围绕这个问题,我们做了一些工作,收到了较好的效果. The spare parts supply of imported equipment is the primary condition for ensuring the smooth progress and normal operation of the equipment. However, when the equipment is introduced, the spare parts also occupy a large amount of liquidity. Therefore, considering various factors, it is necessary to ensure that the maintenance work is not due to waiting for spare parts. The suspension of production and production stoppages, but also to maintain the best inventory of the minimum cost, is a difficult part of spare parts management. Zhongyuan Fertilizer Plant produces 300,000 tons of synthetic ammonia per year, 520,000 tons of urea, in use of the machine, electricity, instrumentation equipment from Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and other countries. In the initial stage of production, in order to ensure the normal operation of the device, a large amount of funds have to be used to reserve some spare parts. With the passage of time, to resolve the reasonable reserves of imported spare parts, Has become an important issue to improve the economic efficiency of the factory. Over the past few years, we have done some work around this issue and received good results.
边陲名镇耀东兴, 京城来客万里寻。 夜宿国界河边店, 他国鸡唱催人醒。 又是边民互市早, 通关商客匆匆行。 绕江浓雾连天日, 友邦临境看不清。 2001年初秋陪同国家旅游局边境游调研组
一、参加省地方志培训班续修方志奠工程 ,研讨行家理论精。立雪课堂听竟日 ,求知书本忘深更。雄文几案埋头著 ,金榜台阶昂首登。春雨潇潇逢草木 ,龙江志苑百花萌。二、修志抒
夕阳的余晖,暗夜的星火,激励我寻觅理想,检阅追求。春天不倦耕耘,秋天才有收获,请不要相信命运,靠拼搏才有凯歌。赠友@石昂 The twilight of the setting sun, night sparks, insp
案例研究目的 通过从技术、经济、节能和环保等方面对双安商场空调系统节能技术改造项目的研究,旨在总结该项目的成功经验,并向广大企业推广该项节能技术。 案例分析概述 北