
来源 :理化检验.化学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoxuemei123
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通常的吸光光度法是指溶液吸光光度法——在溶液中显色和测定。朗伯-比尔定律A=εLC适用于溶液吸光光度法。近年来,树脂相吸光光度法(Resin Phase Spectrophotometry),凝胶相吸光光度法 (Gel phase Spectrephotometry)和泡沫塑料相吸光光度法(foamed plastics phase spectrophotometry)在痕量分析中开始受到重视。这三种方法都是对固相中待测离子的有色络合物进行测定,因此统称为固相吸光光度法(Solid Phase Spectrophotometry)。固相吸光光度法是根据混浊背景双波长吸光光度法的原理建立起来的,笔者在最近的关于双波长吸光光度法的进展综述中明确地提出了固相吸光光度法的概念。该法的特点是富集和显色两个步骤结合在一起,简化了分析手续,而且灵敏度和选择性均高于溶液吸光光度法。例如,以灵敏度 The usual absorbance spectrophotometry refers to the solution spectrophotometry - color development and determination in solution. Lambert-Beer’s law A = εLC for solution spectrophotometry. In recent years, resin phase spectrophotometry, gel phase spechothotometry and foamed plastics phase spectrophotometry have drawn great attention in trace analysis. All three of these methods are based on the determination of the colored complex of the ions to be measured in the solid phase and are therefore collectively referred to as the Solid Phase Spectrophotometry. Solid phase spectrophotometry is based on the principle of turbid background dual-wavelength absorbance spectrophotometry, and the author clearly proposed the concept of solid-phase spectrophotometry in the recent review of the progress of dual-wavelength spectrophotometry. The method is characterized by two steps of enrichment and color development, simplifying the analysis procedures, and the sensitivity and selectivity are higher than the solution absorption spectrophotometry. For example, with sensitivity
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