
来源 :微生物学免疫学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaonianyou
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科研院所是开拓新的科技生产力的重要阵地。科研院所长是科研院所的招牌和形象,其素质直接关系着科研院所的发展前途和命运。新时期的科研院所长必须具备有很高的科研学术水平,很强的宏观决策能力,扎实务实的工作精神,较强的现代管理才能,坚定的信念、高尚的品德和廉洁的作风等基本素质。科研院所长的选拔工作,应当遵循科研院所长的特殊成长规律,尽快建立科研院所长的后备人才库,坚持在市场经济的运作实践中进行,必须引入优胜劣汰的竞争机制,并建立健全教育培养和考核管理机制。在科研院所长的具体配备工作中,还要重视处理好选配好院所长与配备好院所领导班子,选配好中青年院所长与发挥老专家老领导的作用,专家、领导和群众推荐与严格履行有关规定程序等诸方面的关系 Scientific research institutes are an important front for developing new scientific and technological productive forces. The director of a scientific research institute is the signboard and image of a scientific research institute, whose quality is directly related to the development prospect and destiny of a scientific research institute. The director of a scientific research institute in the new era must have the basic knowledge of high scientific research and academic level, strong macro-decision-making ability, solid and pragmatic work spirit, strong modern management ability, firm conviction, noble character and honest style Quality. The selection of directors of scientific research institutes should follow the special growth law of the director of the scientific research institutes and establish the reserve personnel pool of the director of scientific research institutes as soon as possible. They should adhere to the practice of market economy, introduce the competition mechanism of survival of the fittest, and establish and perfect Education and examination and management mechanism. In the scientific research institute director with the specific work, but also attach importance to dealing with the election of a good director and well-equipped hospital leadership team, a good choice for young and middle-aged director of the old experts and give play to the role of senior leadership, experts, leaders And the masses to recommend and strictly fulfill the relevant provisions of the procedures and other aspects of the relationship
初次静下心来漫步新天地, 穿梭于鳞次栉比的石库门建筑群,我仿佛感受到旧与新的交替,历史与现代的融合, 伴着一股岁月的幽香踏着青砖散开去……“新天地”是一个具有上海历史