Effect of superantigen on ion electrophysiology and permeability in rabbit maxillary sinus epithel

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Obejctive Superantigens are potent inflammatory stimuli which derive from pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa The aim of this study was to investigate the role of superantigens on the function of rabbit maxillary sinus epithelium Methods Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 4 groups Rabbit sinus mucosa was separated under a surgical microscope and mounted in Ussing chambers to record short circuit current, conductance and permeability to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) Group A was used as normal control Group B was stimulated with an injection of superantigen into the sinus for 4 hours The sinus mucosa of Group C was stimulated by the addition of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α) into Ussing chambers Group D sinus mucosa was stimulated by superantigen after pretreatment with anti TNF α antibody Results Superantigen evoked increases in sinus epithelial cell baseline short circuit current, conductance and permeability to HRP stimulated by the addition of TNF α into Ussing chambers These were similar to results from superantigen stimulation in vivo The effect of superantigen on sinus epithelial cells could be blocked by pretreatment with anti TNF α antibody Conclusions Superantigen affected the function of sinus epithelial cells, including the capability of epithelial defensive barrier, which might be mediated by TNF α Obejctive Superantigens are potent inflammatory stimuli which derive from pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, viruses and protozoa The aim of this study was to investigate the role of superantigens on the function of rabbit maxillary sinus epithelium Methods Twenty New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 4 groups Rabbit sinus mucosa was separated under a surgical microscope and mounted in Ussing chambers to record short circuit current, conductance and permeability to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) Group A was used as normal control Group B was stimulated with an injection of superantigen into the sinus for 4 hours The sinus mucosa of Group C was stimulated by the addition of tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) into Ussing chambers Group D sinus mucosa was stimulated by superantigen after pretreatment with anti TNF α antibody Results Superantigen evoked increases in sinus epithelial cell baseline short circuit current , conductance and permeability to HRP stimulat ed by the addition of TNF α into Ussing chambers These were similar to results from superantigen stimulation in vivo The effect of superantigen on sinus epithelial cells could be blocked by pre treatment with anti TNF α antibody Conclusions Superantigen affected the function of sinus epithelial cells, including the capability of epithelial defensive barrier, which might be mediated by TNFα
圆形分布资料采用圆形分布方法分析,其变量均值采用角均值(度)表示。由于在求角均值 a 时需求反三角函数,而直接求得的反三角函数的值域并不在整个360度范围内,还需根据 X
背景 目前研究的目的是评估血小板浓缩物(PCs)中残留白细胞(WBCs的凋亡以及评估在这种介质中炎性细胞因子的浓度和血小板活性与凋亡的相互关系。研究设计和方法 三种独立的
正确填写的死亡医学证明书,是获得完整、可靠的 ICD 资料的基本保证。现对建华区1993年各医疗单位上报的死亡医学证明书填写情况进行调查分析,结果如下:一、结果与分析本次
1993年,我们对全场60岁以上的离退休健康人群进行一次健康普查,项目包括测身高、体重和血压、B超、心电和 X 线检查、尿分析以及生化等检验,现将489名受检者的检查结果(见附
第一章 总则 第一条 中国地方病协会(China EndemicDiseases Society)(以下简称本会)是全国地方病防治工作者的群众团体。 第二条 本会宗旨是团结全国各地、各部门、新老地