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今年上半年,我省城镇单位从业人员劳动报酬及不在岗职工生活费的发放数额均有明显提高。但是,城镇单位从业人员仍呈下降趋势。一、城镇单位就业情况(一)、城镇单位从业人员总量继续减少截至6月末,全省城镇单位从业人员为50.54万人,比去年同期减少5.84万人。其中,在岗职工人数为49.15万人,比去年同期减少6.0万人。从经济类型看,国有单位44.08万人,比去年同期减少5.34万人;城镇集体单位5.01万人,减少0.81万人;其他单位1.45万人,增加0.31万人。从隶属关系看,地方单位减员幅度较大。6月末,我省国有单位中地方单位从业人员为33.08万人,减少4.16万人,占国有单位减少总数的77.9%;中央单位从业人员为11.0万人,减少1.18万人,占22.1%。从各地区的情况看,城镇单位从业人员减少较多的是西宁、海西和海东地 In the first half of this year, the remuneration for employees in urban units in our province and the payment of living expenses for those not in employment have all increased significantly. However, the employment of urban units is still on the decline. Employment of Urban Units (I) Continued Decrease in Total Employed Persons in Urban Units As of the end of June, the number of employed persons in urban units in urban areas in the province was 505,400, a decrease of 58,400 from the same period of last year. Among them, the number of on-the-job workers was 491,500, a decrease of 60,000 over the same period of last year. In terms of types of economy, the number of state-owned units was 440,800, a decrease of 53,400 over the same period of last year; the urban collective-owned units were 50,100 with a decrease of 08,100; other units were 14,500, an increase of 31,100. From the subordinate relations, the reduction of local units is larger. By the end of June, the number of local units in the state-owned units in our province was 330,800, a decrease of 41,600, accounting for 77.9% of the total number of state-owned units. The number of central units employed was 110,000, a decrease of 11,800 or 22.1%. Judging from the situation in various regions, the number of employees in urban units to reduce more is Xining, Hercynian and Haidong
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