Correlation between Ancestral Temple Worship Sacrifice Culture and Clan Etiquettes in Traditional Se

来源 :Journal of Landscape Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqQQ106942397
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To explore the correlation between ancestor temple sacrifice culture and clan etiquettes in traditional settlements of Jiangxi Province, this paper analyzed origination and development of ancestor temple, focused on the patriarchal thought that respects ancestors and unifies the clan, the relationship between clan power and political power, sacrifice and patriarchy. The research found that the plain clan etiquettes were significant for unifying the clansmen, inheriting historical context, and stabilizing primarylevel organizations in rural areas. To explore the correlation between ancestor temple sacrifice culture and clan etiquettes in traditional settlements of Jiangxi Province, this paper analyzed origination and development of ancestor temple, focused on the patriarchal thought that respects ancestors and unifies the clan, the relationship between clan power and political power , sacrifice and patriarchy. The research found that the plain clan etiquettes were significant for unifying the clansmen, inheriting historical context, and stabilizing primarylevel organizations in rural areas.
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目的 了解某农村人群甲、乙、丙、戊和庚型肝炎病毒的感染状况及其流行特点。方法 应用酶联免疫试验 (EIA)检测血清抗 -HAV、HBsAg、抗 -HBs、抗 -HBc、抗 -HCV、抗 -HEV和
目的 探讨细胞因子在肾综合征出血热(HFRS)发病中的作用。方法 采用双抗体夹心ELISA法对48例HFRS患者及20例正常人血清白细胞介素(IL)-6、尿液肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)、IL-6、IL-8进行动态检测。结果 HFRS患者血清IL-6、尿液TNF、IL-6、IL-8含量较对照组明显增高(P<0.001);发热期已增高,低血压期继续增高,少尿期达峰值;其含量随病情加重而升高,各型间差异有显
本文对 1 5 6例眩晕患者进行椎 -基底动脉系统经颅多普勒超声 ( Transcranial DopplerUltrasonography,TCD)检查 ,结果显示眩晕患者椎 -基底动脉系统供血明显不足 ,且与年龄