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在中国科学院的改革形势下,研究与总结文献情报工作服务对象的工作内容以及环境和各种制约因素的变化,寻找文献情报工作的新发展、新功能,是文献情报工作的新课题。本文根据安光所几年来开发美容仪等新技术产品市场情报服务的实践,提出必须树立市场情报意识,开拓市场情报中的战略预测和战术服务功能。同时对如何调动情报人员与非情报人员收集加工市场情报的积极性和市场情报服务的评价方法与标准做了一点探讨。 Under the circumstance of the reform in Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is a new task for document information to study and summarize the contents of work and the changes in the environment and various constraints that serve those involved in the work of information and intelligence services, and to find new developments and new functions in document and information work. In this paper, according to the practice of developing the market intelligence service of new technology products such as beauty instrument in the past few years, An Guang made the suggestion that it is necessary to establish the awareness of market intelligence and develop the strategic prediction and tactical service function in market intelligence. At the same time, some discussions have been made on how to mobilize the intelligence personnel and non-intelligence personnel to collect the information of the processing market and the evaluation methods and standards of the market intelligence service.
乘上飞机,只是半天儿的时间,就从依然凌寒的北京落地在气温高达摄氏34度的马来西亚。这时我的第一感受,不是溽热,而是一种缠绵,一种轻盈。 Take the plane, just half a day
腹膜外剖宫产手术操作的关键在于剥离膀胱腹膜及暴露子宫下段这一步骤。为寻找理想的操作方法,我们在 Nortor’s 法和 Water’s 法基础上,就手术方法进行了改造,即采用了膀
宫腔碘油造影,是用于诊断妇科某些疾病的一种常用方法。如内生殖器发育畸形, 子宫粘膜下肌瘤,子宫内膜结核,息肉,输卵管病变及输卵管吻合术后复查等,均可在 Palace lipiodo