
来源 :国外医学.药学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GISSeven
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研究在胰管内注射核糖核酸酶(RNase)治疗急性胰腺炎(Ap)的效果,用氯乙烷刺激大鼠的胰腺制成 Ap 模型,经过2h 出现 Ap 症状,血循环障碍,血管通透性增高,组织水肿。光镜检查腺泡细胞增大、酶生成区扩大、充满圆形颗粒,表明实验性 Ap 早期胰腺功能活动增强。24h 胰血循环障碍加重,有充血水肿、白细胞浸润、腺泡灶性坏死。血淀粉酶和脂酶活性升高。24h 后开始治疗,胰管内注射 RNase 0.5mg 效果最好(0.1~0.3mg 无效,1.0~1.5mg 引起胰充血、出血),注射2h 后,功能性毛细血管减少;12h 腺泡细胞活动进一步抑制, To study the effect of RNase in the treatment of acute pancreatitis (Ap) in pancreatic duct, Ap model was induced by using ethyl chloride in the pancreas of rats. After 2 hours, Ap symptom, circulatory disturbance and vascular permeability increased, Tissue edema. Light microscopy acinar cells increased, the enzyme-producing area expanded, full of round particles, indicating that experimental Ap early pancreatic function increased. 24h pancreas blood circulation disorders, congestion and edema, leukocyte infiltration, acinar necrosis. Blood amylase and lipase activity increased. After 24 hours of treatment, the intraperitoneal injection of RNase 0.5 mg had the best effect (0.1-0.3 mg was ineffective and 1.0-1.5 mg caused pancreatic hyperemia and hemorrhage). After 2 hours of injection, the functional capillaries decreased and the activities of 12 h acinar cells were further inhibited.
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患者,女,24岁。因乏力、食欲不振、巩膜眼黄染25天,诊断病毒性急性黄疸型肝炎入院。否认药物过敏史。给予护肝治疗半月,疗效欠佳,首次加用新鲜 Patient, female, 24 years o