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化学推断题是多年来高考必考的一种既能考查知识水平,又能考查能力水平的综合性题型,具有条件隐蔽、综合性强、思维容量大等特点,是考生的难点,在高考中所占分值比例也较大.以2005年高考理综全国卷一为例,化学推断题的题量为两道题,分值为30分,约占化学部分总分的27 8%.要答好推断题,关键在于找准解答的突破口.下面就谈谈不同类型的推断题的解题策略.
肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome IBS)是一种多因素引起的功能性胃肠病,其发病率高,严重影响患者的生活质量。目前对IBS的治疗,主要有药物、心理干预、饮食调节、锻炼等
The optimized nitrogen fertilization location differs in different rice-growing regions. We optimized nitrogen deep-point application in root-growing zone(NARZ)
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Shortages and fluctuations in precipitation are influential limiting factors for the sustainable cultivation of rain-fed winter wheat on the Loess Plateau of Ch
The wheat grain number per spike(GNPS)is a major yield-limiting factor in wheat-breeding programs.Germplasms with a high GNPS are therefore valuable for increas
Nitrogen(N) loss from fertilization in agricultural fields has an unavoidable negative impact on the environment and a better understanding of the major pathway
Even though the impact of Bacillus thuringiensis(Bt) cotton on pesticide use has been well documented,all previous studies focus on the mean value of pesticide