
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiongwen0225
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The photochemical and photophysical behaviors of tri(4-tert-butoxycarbonyl oxyphenyl) sulphonium salts have been investigated. In argon-satureted acetonitrile, the quantum yields of Bronsted acid formed during photolysis of these compounds was abount 0.5. In the transient absorption spectrum excited by 266nm in mathanol and dioxane an evident absorption peak at 360 nm decayed in accordance with pseudo-first-order reac tion was observed. In the presence of poly-p-hydroxystyrene or diphenyl sulphide, the apparent second-order reaction decay rate constants were 107 and 108 L·mol-1 ’s-1 t re spectively. Results indicated that the transient absorption peak at 360nm was attributed to the diphenyl sulphide radicaJ cations formed in photolysis of sulphonium salts, which were proposed by abstraction of hydrogen from solvent or polymer to yield the protonic acid and diphenyl sulphide as listed in eqns. (1) and (2). The influence of non-nucleophilic anions of title compounds on their photochemical behavior was just less important. The photochemical and photophysical behaviors of tri (4-tert-butoxycarbonyl oxyphenyl) sulphonium salts have been investigated. In argon-satureted acetonitrile, the quantum yields of Bronsted acid formed during photolysis of these compounds was abount 0.5. 266 nm in mathanol and dioxane an evident absorption peak at 360 nm decayed in accordance with pseudo-first-order reac tion was observed. In the presence of poly-p-hydroxystyrene or diphenyl sulphide, the apparent second-order reaction decay rate constants were 107 Results showed that the transient absorption peak at 360 nm was attributed to the diphenyl sulphide radica J cations formed in photolysis of sulphonium salts, which were proposed by abstraction of hydrogen from solvent or polymer to yield the protonic acid and diphenyl sulphide as listed in eqns. (1) and (2). The influence of non-nucleophilic anions of title compounds on their photochemic al behavior was just less important.
为了保证行车安全,特别是夜间行车的安全,必须及时而准确地排除各照明灯的故障,从而为安全行车打下良好的基础。常见的故障及其排除方法如下: 故障现象:前照明灯不亮,或远、
八一年九月,日本地热发电技术访华团来华访问,中日两国就地热开发技术在北京进行了座谈,中方地质部等80余人参加。 In August 1981, a delegation of Chinese geothermal po
大学宿舍四个人里,除了小颜,个个都谈起了恋爱。当卧谈会上其他三个人聊起男友,自己却插不上嘴的时候,小颜心底的失落,慢慢浮了上来。除此之外,她最怕的还有各种节日。其他三个人都有活动安排,小颜不是窝在宿舍看电影,就是去图书馆找本书消磨时间。这种形单影只的感觉,很糟糕。  其实,并不是没有男孩追小颜,只是她的运气不够好。她喜欢的,别人对她不来电;喜欢她的,她又看不上眼。那种刚好合拍的理想男生,迟迟没有出