
来源 :英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zybzsj
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As a creator of CHANEL Perfume,I am dedicated to the search for ascent which responds to the needs and desires of women today,and helpsthem to achieve their own individuality.My creative work involves transforming my perceptions of the world,the impressions received through the senses,so as to develop a uniquefragrance,which will arouse new and surprising emotions.I explore themany possible combinations of the constituent elements in order to arriveat the ideal olfactory accord,a harmony that will allow beauty to berevealed in all its mystery. As a creator of CHANEL Perfume, I am dedicated to the search for ascent which responds to the needs and desires of women today, and helpsthem to achieve their own individuality. My creative work rendering transforming my perceptions of the world, the impressions received through the senses, so as to develop a uniquefragrance, which will arouse new and surprising emotions.I explore themany possible combinations of the constituent elements in order to arrive the the ideal olfactory accord, a harmony that will allow beauty to berevealed in all its mystery.
In this study, multivariate analysis methods, including a principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) analysis, were applied to reveal the
离子极化理论广泛地应用于研究无机化学中的溶解度、金属离子的软硬分类、络合物的稳定性、含氧酸酸性等规律,收到了较好的效果。离子极化会引起化合物很多性质的变化,本文试图就这一问题做一系统探讨。  一、离子极化理论概述  “极化”是指分子、离子或基团在外电场作用下,其外层电子云和原子实(或原子核)产生相对位移,即外层电子云变形,产生诱导偶极的现象。所谓极化率是分子、原子或离子变形程度的一种量度。  在离
In view of the shortage of traditional life prediction methods for machine tools,such as low accuracy of life prediction and few samples basis attributes,a life
听、说、读、写通常被称作“四会”,要培养学生“四会”能力,教师首先要具备“四会”能力,这是不容置疑的。但传统的英语课堂教学,往往是采用强塞强灌的方法,使学生疲于应付,为了培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生的学习积极性,我将唱、画、演、编这几种教学技巧简称为“四能”,并在教学中用于课堂,这样可以有效地提高教学效果和质量。  一、唱  中学英语教材里所有的歌曲都是要求会唱的,另外老师还可以自编一些歌曲,
摘 要 新媒体时代,短视频平台凭借着信息碎片化、社交属性强、易操作的特点成为一种新兴的娱乐社交方式,影响着人们的生活。抖音短视频突出重围,成为一款广受欢迎和喜爱的社交应用软件,为网络大众提供了展示自我和参与社交的平台。伴随着人口老龄化,“银发网红”的出现引起了广泛关注。从“银发网红”的媒介形象入手,分析其类型、特点以及塑造方法,探究抖音短视频中“银发网红”火热现象。  关键词 银发网红;媒介形象;