Preeclampsia from a renal point of view:Insides into disease models,biomarkers and therapy

来源 :World Journal of Nephrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oceanspring
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Proteinuria is a frequently detected symptom,found in 20% of pregnancies.A common reason for proteinuria in pregnancy is preeclampsia.To diagnose preeclampsia clinically and to get new insights into the pathophysiology of the disease it is at first essential to be familiar with conditions in normal pregnancy.Animal models and biomarkers can help to learn more about disease conditions and to find new treatment strategies.In this article we review the changes in kidney function during normal pregnancy and the differential diagnosis of proteinuria in pregnancy.We summarize different pathophysiological theories of preeclampsia with a special focus on the renal facets of the disease.We describe the current animal models and give a broad overview of different biomarkers that were reported to predict preeclampsia or have a prognostic value in preeclampsia cases.We end with a summary of treatment options for preeclampsia related symptoms including the use of plasmapheresis as a rescue therapy for so far refractory preeclampsia.Most of these novel biomarkers for preeclampsia are not yet implemented in clinical use.Therefore,we recommend using proteinuria(measured by UPC ratio) as a screening parameter for preeclampsia.Delivery is the only curative treatment for preeclampsia.In earlypreeclampsia the primary therapy goal is to prolong pregnancy until a state were the child has an acceptable chance of survival after delivery. Proteinuria is a frequently detected symptom, found in 20% of pregnancies. A common reason for proteinuria in pregnancy is preeclampsia. Diagnose preeclampsia clinically and to get new insights into the pathophysiology of the disease it is at first essential to be familiar with conditions in normal pregnancy. Animal models and biomarkers can help to learn more about disease conditions and to find new treatment strategies. In this article we review the changes in kidney function during normal pregnancy and the differential diagnosis of proteinuria in pregnancy. We summarize different pathophysiological theories of preeclampsia with a special focus on the renal facets of the disease. We describe the current animal models and give a broad overview of different biomarkers that were reported to predict preeclampsia or have a prognostic value in preeclampsia cases. We end with a summary of treatment options for preeclampsia related symptoms including the use of plasmapheresis as a rescue therapy for so far refractory preeclampsia. Host of these novel biomarkers for preeclampsia are not yet implemented in clinical use. Herefore, we recommend using proteinuria (measured by UPC ratio) as a screening parameter for preeclampsia. Delivery is the only curative treatment for preeclampsia. earlypreeclampsia the primary therapy goal is to prolong pregnancy until a state were the child has an acceptable chance of survival after delivery.
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