Pseudomyxoma peritonei of 92 Chinese patients:Clinical characteristics,pathological classification a

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyslzm2007
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AIM:To assess the clinicopathologic features and its relationship with prognosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei(PMP) in Chinese patients.METHODS:The clinicopathologic features and followup data of 92 patients with PMP were reviewed and retrospectively analyzed.The cases were categorized into three groups:disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosis(DPAM),peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis(PMCA),and peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis with intermediate or discordant features(PMCA-I/D).The log-rank test was used to analyze survival for each group and various clinicopathological parameters.Multivariate Cox proportional-hazard models were constructed to determine the important factors associated with survival.RESULTS:The median age at diagnosis was 51.9 years(range:22-76 years).The median follow up was 124 mo.The 3-,5-and 10-year survival rates were 74.0%,67.4% and 49.1%,respectively.There were 49(53.2%)patients with DPAM,26(28.3%) with PMCA-I and 17(18.5%) with PMCA.Patients with DPAM,PMCA-I/D and PMCA exhibited statistically significant difference in survival(P = 0.001).The 3 year survival for DPAM,PMCAI/D and PMCA was 97.0%,80.0% and 67.0%,respectively;the 5 year survival was 80.0%,67.0% and 50.0%,respectively;and the 10 year survival was 65.0%,28.0% and 14.0%,respectively.Survival rate was significantly lowest in patients < 40 age years of age(P = 0.011).Appendiceal tumor and extra-ovarian parenchymal organ involvement were significantly related to overall survival.Patients with appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma(MACA) showed the significantly poorer prognosis(P = 0.011).Multivariate analysis showed that pathological classification,age,appendiceal tumor were significant related to overall survival.CONCLUSION:The clinical process “PMP” should be pathologically classified into DPAM,PMCA and PMCA-I/D.Pathological classification,age,appendiceal MACA are survival independent predictors in Chinese patients with PMP. AIM:To assess the clinicopathologic features and its relationship with prognosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei(PMP) in Chinese patients.METHODS:The clinicopathologic features and followup data of 92 patients with PMP were reviewed and retrospectively analyzed.The cases were categorized into three groups:disseminated Peritoneal adenomucinosis(DPAM), peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis(PMCA), and peritoneal mucinous carcinomatosis with intermediate or discordant features(PMCA-I/D).The log-rank test was used to confront survival for each group and various clinicopathological parameters.Multivariate Cox Proportional-hazard models were constructed to determine the important factors associated with survival.RESULTS:The median age at diagnosis was 51.9 years(range:22-76 years).The median follow up was 124 mo.The 3-,5- and 10 -year survival rates were 74.0%, 67.4% and 49.1%, respectively.There were 49 (53.2%)patients with DPAM,26(28.3%) with PMCA-I and 17(18.5%) with PMCA.Patients with DPAM,PMCA -I/D and PM CA exhibited ly significant difference in survival (P = 0.001). The 3 year survival for DPAM, PMCAI/D and PMCA was 97.0%, 80.0% and 67.0%, respectively; the 5 year survival was 80.0%, 67.0% and 50.0% ,respectively;and the 10 year survival was 65.0%,28.0% and 14.0%,respectively.Survival rate was significantly lowest in patients < 40 age years of age(P = 0.011).Appendiceal tumor and extra-ovarian parenchymal organ involvement were significantly Related to overall survival. Patients with appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma (MACA) showed the same poorer prognosis (P = 0.011). Multivariate analysis showed that pathological classification, age, appendiceal tumor were significant related to overall survival. CONCLUSION: The clinical process “PMP ” should be pathologically classified into DPAM,PMCA and PMCA-I/D.Pathological classification,age,appendiceal MACA are survival independent predictors in Chinese patients with PMP.
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