Seeds of hope

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  导读:法国儿童作家Franck Prévot的新书讲述了诺贝尔获奖者Wangari Maathai的故事,告诉儿童要勇于挑战,积极为社会做出贡献。Wangari Maathai也是一位环境保护主义者,Franck Prévot 借此鼓舞大家共同保护环境,保护人类共同的家园——地球。
  French children’s-book author Franck Prévot loves telling stories, playing with words, and talking with kids about books. At the heart of his writing is the idea that young people can be change-makers in their communities. “It’s so important to show kids that they are an important and decisive part of humanity,” he told Times For Kids.
  Prévot’s latest book, Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees, highlights the groundbreaking accomplishments of Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmental activist, Wangari Maathai. The picture book aims to show readers that having courage in the face of challenge can bring hope to an entire nation. Prévot talked to TFK about why he chose to write about Maathai, and his hopes for future generations.
  TFK: Why did you decide to write about Wangari Maathai?
  FRANCK PREVOT: We thought that Maathai was exactly the kind of person that should be honored. She went to school with her brothers in a little Kenyan village, at a time when girls in Africa usually didn’t have this chance. She eventually studied in the United States and Germany before coming back home to offer her knowledge and courage to her country and its people.
  She fought for human rights and women’s equality in her country. Mainly, she fought to replant trees where big companies had cut so many of them. She was also elected as Kenya’s assistant minster of environment, natural resources, and wildlife and even won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004.
  We wanted to write a book to show readers that “young people are a gift to their communities and indeed the world,” in the words of Maathai. And, of course, that everybody can do something to protect forests.
  TFK: What do you hope kids will learn from reading your book?
  PREVOT: If they learn only one thing from reading our book, it would be Maathai’s mother’s words: “A tree is worth more than its wood.”
  Kids have so many things to offer to the world. They could sometimes even show adults the way! So I hope that they will learn from reading Maathai’s story that they are right to do so. I hope that this book will give them the desire to never give up when they are faced with the “there is no other way” thought.
  TFK: What do you think kids can do to make a difference in the world?
  Kids should grab every chance to talk to each other about the best ways to build a society. And in the society, people really work together and take care of the environment. After all, this is the most important part of the heritage they will pass down to their children.
  community n. 社区(复数形式是communities)
  highlight v. 强调,突出
  groundbreaking accomplishment n. 突破性成就
  challenge n. 挑战
  equality n. 平等
  elect v. 选举
  assistant minster n. 部长助理
  grab v. 抓住
  heritage n. 遗产
  (What have you learnt from this interview?)
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