Level study on fractal characteristics of tidal creeks and information of seashell habitats in the G

来源 :海洋学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigdoglsm
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The fractal characteristics of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach are analyzed based on high-resolution images fusion of Landsat TM and ERS-2, and then the graphic models and characteristics of converse information tree of tidal creeks in the Gaizhou Beach are established. A calculation model is established based on the above results, and at the same time, quantitative calculation of the evolution characteristics and the diversity between the north and the south parts of the Gaizhou Beach is carried out. By the supervised classification of these images, distribution and areas of high tidal flats, middle tidal flats and low tidal flats in the Gaizhou Beach are studied quantitatively, and image charactistics of seashell habitats in the Gaizhou Beach and the correlation between mudflat distribution and seashell habitats are studied. At last, the engineering problems in the Gaizhou Beach are discussed.
摘 要: 目前高中生学习成绩参差不齐,且差异较大。那么,在课堂教学中,如何设计教学过程,才能真正体现面向全体,才能使不同层次的学生都得到发展和开发,都能获得较大的收益,这就是我们在课堂教学中必须认真考虑的一个问题。本文对“低起点、多层次”教学法在高中英语教学中的应用进行了探讨。  关键词: 低起点 多层次 高中英语教学    一、问题的提出    据江西省现行的初升高招生政策,即使是重点高中,每届
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