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一、激发学生学习兴趣。首先要不断地激发学生的英语学习兴趣,并消除他们对英语的恐惧感,这对提高英语课堂教学效率起着积极的推动作用。在这方面我努力做到:1.备课时要设计明确而切合实际的使绝大多数学生都能完成的教学任务,让学生感觉到学有所获,有成就感,使他们消除学不好英语的恐惧感,从而慢慢对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣。2.课堂上尽力做到精神饱满,充满自信,充满激情。用自己的这种状态去感染学生,调动他们的积极性。同时心中装着每一个学生(承认差异,兼顾差异),目光巡视每一位学生,让每一个学生有参与的机会并且特别关注后排学生和性格内向的学生。让学生感受到老师是用心平等地对待每一个学生。我们都有这样的感觉,学生喜欢哪个老师,她就愿意学习哪一门课,就对哪一门课程感兴趣。学生对英语学习有了兴趣,他们就会变被动的学习为主动自觉地学习。 First, stimulate students interest in learning. First of all, to continue to stimulate students’ interest in English learning and to eliminate their fear of English, which is to improve the efficiency of English classroom teaching plays a positive role in promoting. In this regard, I try my best to accomplish the following points: 1. To design a clear and realistic teaching task for the vast majority of students when preparing lessons, so as to make students feel that they have learned and a sense of accomplishment so that they will not be able to learn poorly English fear, and thus gradually have a strong interest in English learning. 2. Class try to be full of energy, full of confidence, full of passion. In this state of their own to infect students, to mobilize their enthusiasm. At the same time, with each student in mind (recognizing differences and balancing discrepancies), she pays attention to each and every student, giving each student the opportunity to participate and paying special attention to back-row students and introverted students. Let the students feel that the teacher treats each student equally. We all feel this way. When a student likes a teacher, she is willing to learn which course she is interested in. Students interested in learning English, they will become passive learning to take the initiative to learn.
摘要:大多数的学困生是由非智力因素造成的,所以,老师要和这部分学生用心、真诚地交流,树立他们的信心、自尊,并通过多种手段,提高他们的学习兴趣,积极与家长沟通,一起帮助他们提高英语学习水平。  关键词:转化 亲近 自信 兴趣 合力    在平时的教学过程中,都会有一定数量的英语学习上的学困生存在,这是个无法回避的客观事实,也成为我们英语教学质量提升、突破的瓶颈之一。在多年的英语教学中,在新课改的新形
摘要:兴趣是取得成功的基础,是学生学习活动的推动力,是学生智慧的火花,是创新的起点。要根据学生学习的需要,科学地把握、灵活地运用教材,培养和提高学生语文课学习兴趣。让学生成为学习的主人,从而提高语文教学质量。根据教学实践,总结激发学生学习兴趣的措施。  关键词:创设情景 学习兴趣 教学艺术    大教育家孔子云:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”伟大的科学家爱因斯坦说:“兴趣可产生热爱,热爱
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