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通过对大兴安岭北部樟子松树轮样品高向的年轮宽度和稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)进行测定,分析了高向上δ13C的变化特征及其与年轮宽度的关系.结果表明:在木质部全轮、早材和树皮内皮3种成分中,样品高向δ13C均呈现由顶部至基部先显著增加,在冠层底部达到最大值,再向下迅速减少至谷值的变化趋势.早晚材平均宽度比由基部至顶部增大.高向上δ13C年均值序列与轮宽年均值序列呈现较为明显的反向对应关系,与早晚材宽度比年均值序列呈现在冠层以上较为一致的变化趋势.样本高向上年轮宽度序列及δ13C序列均存在不同程度的显著差异,δ13C值的高向变化与年际变化基本处于同一量级.树体高向δ13C序列逐年变化趋势基本一致,同一高度盘的δ13C序列与年轮宽度序列基本呈负相关,但不同高度的显著性有所差异. Based on the measurements of annual ring width and stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica samples from the northern part of Daxinganling Mountains, the variation characteristics of δ13C at high δ13C and its relationship with the ring width were analyzed. The results showed that: , Earlywood and bark endothelium, the highest δ13C of the samples showed a significant increase from the top to the base, the highest at the bottom of the canopy, and then decreased rapidly to the valley.The average width of morning and evening wood Than from the base to the top of the canopy.The δ13C annual mean series and the annual mean annual width series showed a more obvious inverse relationship with the width of the morning and the late wood than the annual average showed a more consistent trend above the canopy.The sample height There were significant differences in upward width and δ13C sequences between them, and the δ13C value had the same order of magnitude as the interannual variation.The trend of δ13C sequence in tree height was basically the same, and the δ13C sequence of the same height plate and The annual ring width sequence is basically negative correlation, but the significance of different height is different.
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