
来源 :农村.农业.农民 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinke1983
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冬季,气候寒冷,阴盛阳衰。人体受寒冷气温的影响,机体的生理功能和食欲等均会发生变化。因此,合理地调整饮食,保证人体必需营养素的充足,对提高人的耐寒能力和免疫功能,使之安全、顺利地越冬,是十分必要的。首先应保证热能的供给。冬天的寒冷气候影响人体的内分泌系统,使人体的甲状腺素、肾上腺素等分泌增加,从而促进和加速蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物3大类热源营养素的分解,以增加机体的抗寒能力,这样就造成人体热量散失过多。因此,冬天营养应以增加热能为主,可适当多摄入富含碳水化合物和脂肪的食物。蛋白质的供给量以占总热量的15%~17%为好,所供给的蛋白质应以优质蛋白质为主,如瘦肉、鸡蛋、鱼类、乳类、豆类及其制品等,这些食物所含的蛋白质不仅便于人体消化吸收,而且富含氨基酸,营养价值较高,可增加人体的耐寒和抗病能力。冬天是蔬菜的淡季,蔬菜的数量既少,品种也较单调,尤其是在我 Winter, the climate is cold, yin yang decline. The human body is affected by the cold temperature, the body’s physiological functions and appetite and so will change. Therefore, a reasonable diet to ensure adequate human essential nutrients, to improve people’s cold resistance and immune function, make it safe and smooth winter, is very necessary. First of all, the supply of heat should be guaranteed. Winter cold weather affect the body’s endocrine system, the body’s thyroid hormone, epinephrine and other secretion increased, thereby promoting and accelerating protein, fat, carbohydrates three kinds of heat source of nutrients decomposition, in order to increase the body’s ability to cold, so that Cause excessive heat loss to human body. Therefore, winter nutrition should be based on increased heat, may be appropriate intake of carbohydrate-rich foods and more fat. Protein supply to the total heat of 15% to 17% is good, the supply of protein should be dominated by high-quality protein, such as lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, beans and their products, these foods Containing protein is not only easy to digest and absorb the human body, but also rich in amino acids, higher nutritional value, can increase the body’s cold and disease resistance. Winter is the off-season vegetables, vegetables, both the number of small, more monotonous species, especially in me
休宁县为 1988年安徽省人体寄生虫病分布调查的抽样点。为了解 12年后试点地区人体肠道寄生虫感染变化情况 ,于 1999年对该地进行了抽样调查 ,结果如下 :1 材料与方法1 1 
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