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人类健康长寿受两大因素的影响,一是生物医学模式的致病因素,即是人类机体受到细菌或病毒感染所致疾病的原因;二是生物、心理社会医学模式的致病因素,这类包含生物、心理、社会、个人嗜好、工作及环境等因素对人们的不良影响所造成的疾病的原因。现在多数人对生物医学模式的致病因素致病比较熟悉,而对生物、心理、社会医学模式的综合因素致病就比较模糊了。为此,人类今后要想从根本 The longevity of human health is affected by two major factors. One is the pathogenic factor of the biomedical model, that is, the cause of the human body’s disease caused by bacterial or viral infection; the second is the pathogenic factor of the biological and psychosocial medical model. Including biological, psychological, social, personal liking, work and environment and other factors caused by people’s ill effects caused by the disease. Now most people are more familiar with the pathogenic factors of biomedical models, and the pathogenic factors of biological, psychological, and social medical models are more obscure. For this reason, humankind wants to fundamentally
利用热经济学分析方法 ,分析了影响风机盘管机组的能耗费用及初投资的各种因素 ,认为以单位功率供冷量和单位质量供冷量作为评价指标存在不足 ,给出了综合考虑能耗费用和初投
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《装备环境工程》由原中国科技核心期刊《金属成形工艺》更名而成 ,于 2 0 0 4年 8月正式出刊。《装备环境工程》受国防科学技术工业委员会直接支持 ,由中国兵器工业第五九研
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0 前言近十年来,在原广东省科委和广东省实验动物学会的努力下,实验动物继续教育工作从无序状态逐渐向规范管理过渡,围绕继续教育为主题,在师资队伍、教材、教学基地建设等