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美国作为台湾计算机和电子产品的市场地位在下降。台湾信息工业研究(Ⅲ)的市场情报中心指出,与1988年的46%和更早些年份的57%相比,在1990年美国只吸收了台湾信息的产品出口总额的39.5%。台湾信息工业研究所的市场专家Colley Huang(黄)说,台湾公司已成功地在欧洲和亚洲找到了新的主顾。同时由于北美市场的剧烈竞争,他们已不象以前那样重视美国市场。计算机领域的竞争极其尖锐,而正是在这一产品领域,台湾对美国的出口额已大大下降。事实上,台湾对美国的计算机出口在1989—1990年已绝对下降。中小型台湾公司发觉要打入美国市场特别难。它们的经营规模难以在著名的美国销售商和经纪人中寻找到合伙人。他们也不愿与经营计算机的超级市场和其它大的商场做生意,因 The U.S. as a market for Taiwan’s computer and electronic products is declining. The Market Intelligence Center of Taiwan’s Information Industry Research (III) pointed out that compared with 46% in 1988 and 57% in earlier years, in 1990, the United States only absorbed 39.5% of the total exports of Taiwan’s information products. Colley Huang (Huang), a market expert at the Taiwan Institute of Information Industry, said that Taiwanese companies have successfully found new customers in Europe and Asia. At the same time, due to the fierce competition in the North American market, they have not valued the U.S. market as they once did. The competition in the computer field is extremely acute. It is in this product area that Taiwan’s exports to the United States have greatly declined. In fact, Taiwan’s computer exports to the United States have definitely declined in 1989-90. Small and medium-sized Taiwanese companies have found it particularly difficult to enter the US market. Their scale of operation is difficult to find partners in the well-known American sellers and brokers. They are also reluctant to do business with supermarkets and other big shopping malls that run computers.
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