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Highly crystalline ZSM-5 zeolites are important for para-selective alkylation of alkyl aromatics, because they carry few external acid sites for isomerization of p-dialkyl products. Such zeolites (Si/Al = 25, 50, and 75) were synthesized in a fluoride medium between pH 4 and 6. Their crystallinities, crystal sizes, and surface areas were higher than those of a commercial ZSM-5 zeolite. Their para selectivities in alkylation were tested for vapor-phase tert-butylation of ethylbenzene between 200 and 400 °C. As expected, all the catalysts showed more than 90% para selectivity. At 300 °C, ethylbenzene conversion decreased in the order ZSM-5(25, commercial) > ZSM-5(25) > ZSM-5(50) > ZSM-5(75). The catalysts had weak, medium, and strong acid sites, but all the acid sites of ZSM-5(75) were weaker than those of ZSM-5(25) and ZSM-5(50). The high activity of commercial ZSM-5 was caused by its strong acid sites being stronger than those of the synthesized zeolites. Although the activity of the commercial catalyst was higher than those of the present catalysts, the selectivity for 4-t-butylethylbenzene (4-t-BEB) was low. The optimum feed ratio (ethylbenzene:t-butyl alcohol) was 2:1 and the feed rate was 1.65 h?1 for high ethylbenzene conversion and 4-t-BEB selectivity. Time-on-stream studies showed slow catalyst deactivation. Highly crystalline ZSM-5 zeolites are therefore better than a commercial zeolite for para-selective alkylation of alkyl aromatics. They do not require much post-modification for high para selectivity. A fluoride medium is therefore better than an alkaline medium for obtaining highly crystalline para-selective ZSM-5 zeolites. Highly crystalline ZSM-5 zeolites are important for para-selective alkylation of alkyl aromatics, because they carry few external acid sites for isomerization of p-dialkyl products. Such zeolites (Si / Al = 25, 50, and 75) were synthesized in a fluoride medium between pH 4 and 6. Their crystallinities, crystal sizes, and surface areas were higher than those of commercial ZSM-5 zeolite. Their para selectivities in alkylation were tested for vapor-phase tert-butylation of ethylbenzene between 200 and 400 ° C. As expected, all the catalysts showed more than 90% para selectivity. At 300 ° C, ethylbenzene conversion decreased in the order ZSM-5 (25, commercial)> ZSM- ZSM-5 (75). The catalysts had weak, medium, and strong acid sites but all the acid sites of ZSM-5 (75) were weaker than those of ZSM-5 (25) and ZSM- 5 (50). The high activity of commercial ZSM-5 was caused by its strong acid sites being stronger than those of the synthesized zeolites. Commercial catalyst was higher than those of the present catalysts, the selectivity for 4-t-butylethylbenzene (4-t-BEB) was low. The optimum feed ratio was (ethylbenzene: t- 1.65 h? 1 for high ethylbenzene conversion and 4-t-BEB selectivity. Time-on-stream studies showed slow catalyst deactivation. Highly crystalline ZSM-5 zeolites are therefore better than a commercial zeolite for para-selective alkylation of alkyl aromatics. do not require much post-modification for high para selectivity. A fluoride medium is therefore better than an alkaline medium for obtaining highly crystalline para-selective ZSM-5 zeolites.
在洪泽湖围网48.4公顷水面,养成蟹28130.7公斤,平均581.2公斤/公顷,群体增重倍数3.01,回捕率92.2%,投入产出比1∶1.60 In Hongze Lake seine 48.4 hectares of water surfac
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