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  A press conference is held after the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. on December 18. Trump became the third president in U.S. history to be impeached


  Grief-stricken relatives huddle at a hospital in Dhaka on December 12 after a fire devastated a plastic factory. At least 13 people died in the blaze


  Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin attends a press conference on December 13 at the end of the EU Summit in Brussels, her first international event since assuming office. The 34-year-old is the world’s youngest prime minister


  President Abdelfattah el-Sisi addresses the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development in Aswan on December 12. The participating leaders called for eliminating terrorism and external interference in Africa’s internal affairs


  A man poses with two Santa Clauses in Tehran on December 10


  Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks outside 10 Downing Street in London on December 13. The Conservative Party led by him won a majority in the general election one day earlier
When the World Health Organization(WHO) declared the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) on January 31, it was not an unprecedented measure, nor do
When I moved to Beijing’s Haidian District in August 2019 to begin my studies at Peking University, I hadn’t foreseen how my lifestyle would be so fundamentally altered by the city’s deep technologica
An MA-60 aircraft for remote sensing developed by AVIC XAC Commercial Aircraft Co. Ltd. is delivered to the Chinese Academy of Sciences on November 27, 2019, in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in northwest Ch
When the Association of Returned Overseas Chinese Macao was founded way back in 1968, its founding members all regarded Macao as Chinese territory and believed it would return to China from under Port
Her hectic work schedule at a Shenzhen- based securities company often results in Dong Xue skipping lunch, but the young woman makes up for it by snacking. Buying snacks has become much more convenien
China has been accelerating the opening up of its capital market in recent years.  To further facilitate investment by foreign institutions through different channels, China lifted restrictions on for
Pedestrians walk past a foreign currency dealer in London on February 1  On January 31, Britain exited the EU after being a member for 47 years. Rather than national celebrations, and a statement befo
As one of the most influential international forums, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has often been a bellwether for world economic development and global cooperation. As the curtain goes up on the WEF
Workers of FAW Co. Ltd., a central SOE, inspect vehicles at an assembly factory in Changchun, capital city of Jilin Province in northeast China, on April 9, 2019  Every January, Chinese central state-
VIRUS FIGHTER RETURNS  Zhong Nanshan, born in 1936, is a specialist on respiratory diseases. Heading a National Health Commission expert panel, he is conducting research on the novel coronavirus. He w