An evaluation of the bioavailability and bioaccumulation of selected metals occurring in a wetland a

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woai2010ni
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This initial research examines the presence,distribution and bioavailability of copper,chromium,nickel,manganese and iron in a wetland area of south Guam.The research sites are within an area covered with saporite,a soil type derived from volcanic deposits on the island.Leaf tissue of Pandanus tectorius was extracted and analysed to determine the bioaccumulation of the target metals.Metal accumulation at sites considered aerobic and anaerobic was investigated together with an attempt to correlate actual accumulation of the target metals in the plant tissue with a recognised bioavailability indicator,in this case,three step sequential extraction scheme.Manganese was found to be accumulated in relatively high concentrations and to a lesser extent copper was also accumulated.Chromium,nickel and iron however exhibited very low accumulation factors.Accumulation of manganese in particular was significantly affected by aerobic conditions whereas the converse effect was experienced by copper.Significant correlation between various steps of a Sequential Extraction Scheme (SES) and actual accumulation was not achieved although the degree of aerobic conditions at each site and soil pH did affect concentrations of metals extracted by differing steps of SES.Results obtained suggest that further research in the area should be undertaken using different plant species and tissues.
摘 要:详细阐述了草地贪夜蛾传播危害,防控目标、防治中的对策及保障措施。  关键词:草地贪夜蛾;监测防控;对策  草地贪夜蛾属于鳞翅目、夜蛾科、灰翅夜蛾属,原生于美洲热带和亚热带地区,是美洲重要的农业害虫,又称粘虫,具有适生区域广、迁飞能力强,繁殖倍数高,暴食为害重,防控难度大、寄主范围广的特点,可危害玉米、小麦、水稻、甜菜、马铃薯、香蕉等353种作物,是跨国界重大迁飞性害虫。2019年,该虫由缅
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