Why’the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau’is a myth

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hammil
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The often-used phrase’the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau’implies a flat-surfaced Tibet rose as a coherent entity,and that uplift was driven entirely by the collision and northward movement of India.Here,we argue that these are misconceptions derived in large part from simplistic geodynamic and climate modeling,as well as proxy misinterpretation.The growth of Tibet was a complex process involving mostly Mesozoic collisions of several Gondwanan terranes with Asia,thickening the crust and generating complex relief before the arrival of India.In this review,Earth system modeling,paleoaltimetry proxies and fossil finds contribute to a new synthetic view of the topographic evolution of Tibet.A notable feature overlooked in previous models of plateau formation was the persistence through much of the Cenozoic of a wide east-west orientated deep central valley,and the formation of a plateau occurred only in the late Neogene through compression and internal sedimentation.
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