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提起BLUES,很多人会自然而然地想到一头长发、极具绅士风度的他,其经典作品不胜枚举。在他的演绎下,传统的BLUES越发灵动,既可唯美动人、也可激情四射,为我们带来非同一般的音乐享受,这便是中国著名贝司演奏家——张岭。张岭,中国著名的贝司演奏家,从最早的崔健乐队、节奏之犬至今,他的每一段旋律都在影响着一代又一代的年轻乐手,在我们为他的精湛技艺所惊叹的同时,出色的演唱也无时无刻不在打动着聆听到他那魔术般BLUES音乐的人。1989年张岭只身一人来到澳大利亚进行音乐学习与深造,可以说这几年中所经历的一切,对他的音乐与演奏有着深远的影响。张岭现在北京乐兰公司的技术总监,而他一直在工作与音乐之间不停地忙碌着,对于我的到来,他显得十分高兴,在百忙之中抽出时间接受了我的采访,下面让我们来一同走近张岭。 Lift BLUES, many people will naturally think of a long hair, very gentleman of his classics are numerous. In his interpretation, the traditional BLUES smarter, both beautiful and moving, but also passionate, to bring us a different kind of musical enjoyment, this is China’s famous bassist - Zhang Ling. Zhang Ling, a famous bass player from China, from the earliest Cui Jian band, rhythm dog so far, each of his melodies are influencing generations of young musicians, as we marveled at his superb skills at the same time , Excellent singing is also impressed all the time to listen to his magic BLUES music. In 1989, when Zhang Ling alone came to Australia for music study and further studies, it can be said that everything he had experienced in these years had a profound impact on his music and performance. Zhang Ling is now Beijing Lelan company’s technical director, and he has been working continuously with the music busy, for my arrival, he was very happy, took the time out of my busy schedule to accept my interview, the following Let us come together to approached Zhang Ling.
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摘 要:信息技术的发展推动了多媒体教学的发展,尤其是多媒体教学一体机的出现,为高中语文教学提供了良好的学习环境,有效地推动了语文教学。在语文教学中若能针对语文学科的知识特殊性而灵活、巧妙地利用多媒体教学一体机,将信息技术与语文教学有机整合,就能使其发挥出最大的教学效能,从而实现教学的最优化。  关键词:教学一体机;提升;高中语文  中图分类号:G633.3文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-771
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