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中华民族的子子孙孙是很重视自己的名节的。说到万世景仰,人们会想到精忠报国、誓死抗金的岳飞父子和写下“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”佳句的南宋丞相文天祥;提起遗臭万年,人们会想到长跪不起、永远被人唾弃的大奸臣秦桧。对于大多数百姓来说,岳飞父子、文丞相的精神要学习,被万世传颂却不敢企及,但不遗臭万年却是必须坚决守住的人生底线。然而,本文的主人公李锦良却面临有可能“遗臭万年”的尴尬。近一个时期,全国各大媒体包括互联网上有关李锦良案件的文章实在不少。李锦良冤案涉及发展经济中的地方保护主义、权与法、正义与邪恶、公权机关的民众观念等若干深层次问题。群众的眼睛是雪亮的,对这一系列问题,我们不去过多触及和探讨。但案中有一个问题,档案界不能不关注,不能不探讨,即李锦良和长兴县公安局围绕《长兴公安志》将李载入史册所争讼的焦点。原告李锦良认为被告不该将已被纠正的错案不加说明地记载,被告县公安局则认为自己是根据当时的事实亦即据档写志,不存在过失。李锦良诉长兴县公安局名誉侵权案开庭后,表面上公说公有理,婆说婆有理,双方各执一词,终审也还没有做出判决,但是非曲直却是明摆着的,即档案工作也好,史志工作也好,都是客观、公正、准确地记载历史的,任何为历史增添雾水的 The children and grandchildren of the Chinese nation attach great importance to their famous festivals. When it comes to the wonders of Mankind, people will think of Yue Fei and his son who solemnly serve the country and vow to fight against gold and write down the text of the “Southern Song prime minister Wen Tianxiang, who wrote the essay” Who has never died in life, , Always be cast aside the big traitor Qin Hui. For most people, Yue Fei’s father and son, Wen Cheng prime minister’s spirit to learn, was praised by the world but did not dare to reach, but does not leave a long time but it must hold firmly the bottom line of life. However, Li Jinliang, the protagonist of this article, is facing the embarrassment of being “stinky for years.” In recent times, there have been quite a lot of articles in various major media across the country, including the case concerning Li Jinliang on the Internet. Li Jinliang’s case of injustice involves a number of deep-seated issues such as local protectionism, power and law, justice and evil in the development of the economy and the popular concept of public authorities. The eyes of the masses are sharp, and we do not go to much discussion and discussion on this series of issues. However, there is a problem in the case. The file industry can not but pay attention. We can not but discuss the point that Li Jinliang and Changxing County Public Security Bureau placed Li in the annals of “Changxing Public Security Journal”. The plaintiff Li Jinliang held that the defendant should not have been corrected wrongly documented record, the defendant County Public Security Bureau is that he is based on the facts that is based on the historical records, there is no fault. Li Jinliang v. Changxing County Public Security Bureau of Honor Infringement trial, the surface of the public that justice, the woman is reasonable, the two sides each coined a word, the final verdict has not yet made a decision, but it is obvious that the file is also straightforward Good, Shi Zhi Ye Ye Hao, are objective, fair and accurate record of history, any history to add fog
【内容摘要】公安院校的寝室文化建设要突出警务化管理特色,严格的制度管理与学生的自我管理相结合,注重精神文化和心理素质培养,真正把学生培养成政治合格、业务精通、纪律严明、作风过硬的高素质人才。  【关 键 词】公安院校 寝室文化 建设 警务化管理  一、引言  (一)大学生寝室文化及其功能  大学生寝室文化是一种微组织文化,指在大学校园内寝室成员共同学习和生活,通过交流思想、人际互动、行为习惯与价值
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